Shadow x daughter!reader: Ultimate Life Form

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You are a (A/T)

Children aren't copies or clones of their parents.

"How did GUN overlook this? How did they not discover this before?"

Those were the words uttered by the stunned hedgehog as he looked at the sight in front of him.

"It seems a scientist who was a friend of Gerald survived the attack on the ARK and went underground, but he tired to repeat the professors work, and his experiments and attempts were found in an old warehouse." Rouge explained in a quiet tone.

But not even the mention of the professor, the grandfather of his lost friend, wasn't enough to tear his eyes from what he was seeing. 

Shadow just stood there transfixed, staring at a glass tube full of a green serum. And inside the cylinder a baby (A/T) was suspended in the liquid. Many tubes connected to her, her tiny head with it's red tipped stubble of hair barely visible.   

Everything was fine this morning, a group of GUN agents went to investigate a report of an old 'suspicious looking' warehouse. Where they found the old laboratory of the deceased friend of Gerald Robotnik, and many weapons intended to be used for the revenge of the death of his friend.

However the last thing they expected to find was an attempt to create another 'ultimate life form'. The tiny (A/T) they found in the tube had been brought back to GUN headquarters and Shadow informed, seeming though as they both shared the blood of Black Doom they were technically relatives.

"This friend of Gerald basically tried to create another 'ultimate life form', she has a mixture of Black Doom's Blood, your DNA and the DNA of a mobian (A/T). But she only has a quarter of Black Doom's blood that you have, so she's very weak. When this scientist died they think that's when her growth process stopped, and the only reason she's faintly alive right now is because those tubes are feeding her pure vitamins." Rouge continued sadly, feeling sorry for the tiny thing.

"What does GUN intend to do with her?" Shadow asked, never ceasing his stare at her.    

"Because she was intended to be used against GUN the commander will most likely 'terminate' her." Rouge said with disgust.

Shadow's blank face turned into a scowl as thought.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

And say something about it he did. The deal was made that if Shadow looked after this 'ultimate life form', then she could live. But then again not even the commander would dare argue with Shadow and risk turning his best agent against him.

So from that day Shadow was a 'father' as well as an agent. But that hadn't actually been Shadow's intention. He just wanted to save the creature that had been made the same way he had, not wanting her to be feared for her abilities like he had.

But as she had his DNA as well as Black Doom's she was more his daughter than relative, she even looked like him too. Yes she was a (F/C) coloured (A/T), but her hair had red tips and she had the same stripes running up her arms and legs like Shadow. So Shadow was known as her father.

Despite first appearances the little (A/T), whom Shadow had called (Y/N), was fighting fit. Once her growth process helped her to the stage of a new born she was perfectly healthy and grew like a normal child, however when she reached 18 all development of her body would cease.

Shadow though surprisingly turned out to be a very good father figure. He knew what he was doing and had secretly always been good with children, (Y/N) was no different. They both got on very well and she was generally bouncy like most children, but most likely because she was Shadow's daughter her default expression was blank.

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