Birthday Speacial

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It's my birthday so I thought I'd do a themed one shot. Hope you like it.

You are a Human

Your never too old for 'childish' things.

Giving a sigh (Y/N) lazily did up the zip on her hoodie wondering how the day would turn out. She wasn't expecting it to be spectacular.

"Sweetie? You might want to leave soon otherwise you'll miss your bus." Her mum gently called.

"Okay, don't worry mum I'm headed out now." (Y/N) called back.

Pulling her rucksack on her shoulder she headed down stairs.

"I'll see you later mum!" She called.

But she wouldn't get away without a hug goodbye that easily.

"Have a good day sweetie." Her mum said as she left.

With a sigh (Y/N) went up to the bus stop waiting for it to come. Like any other day she was headed to her college, dressed in her comfiest clothes and a bag stuffed with work. But today was slightly different, as it was her birthday.

However she wasn't expecting many people to remember, despite her dropping many hints and letting people know earlier in the week. She sort of had friends at her college, but they weren't exactly close.

When the bus finally came she climbed on and thought about what her day would be like.

The answer was terrible.

Arriving at college not a single person remembered, then the teacher told her that she needed to redo her last project, despite the fact she had spent so many nights working so hard on it. The next horrible thing to happen was her 'friends' popping into town to grab their lunch, not offering her to come.

She felt as if her friends were ignoring her all day. And it didn't help anymore when she was trying to get home her bus was 45 minutes late.

Eventually making it home she was hoping to have a nice good hug off her mum, but she was devastated to find a note on the kitchen side board.

Hi Sweetie,

I am really really sorry but I was called into work and they really need me. I popped to the store and bought you a birthday cake, eat as much of it as you want.

Love mum.

She couldn't hold it back anymore, sinking down to the cold tiled floor and started to cry.


"What the!?" She gasped.

Whatever that crash was had just come from the garage.

Getting up in a hurry she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and quietly tip toed to the garage door. She was about to open it to see what had caused the racket but stopped short when she heard voices.

"Where the hell are we!?"

"Keep your voice down Faker, like you said we don't know where we are so we could be anywhere."

"Guys I think I heard someone..."

Flinging open the door (Y/N) got the fright of her life as did the voices inside the garage.

There were three of them...

~1 year later~

"Guys come on she'll be home soon!"

"Alright Sonic calm down!"

"Well you've haven't been the calmest one either Amy."

"In your panic you have all failed to realise that she is coming now."

"Quick everyone hide!"

All sorts of clattering could be heard through out the house as many Mobians fought over hiding places. All in preparation to surprise a certain friend.

One year ago when (Y/N) had investigated her garage she had found none other than the famous hedgehogs  Sonic, Shadow and Silver. After a bunch of explanations and a fair bit of screaming (Y/N) eventually learnt that they were Mobians and obviously not from here. She offered her help, knowing her mum probably wouldn't mind.

But they weren't the only ones, a search soon started for the other members of the gang. Turning the last year into an adventure. Soon enough though Amy, Cream, Tails, Knuckles, Blaze and Rouge were found.

And now a year later it was once again (Y/N)'s birthday and most of the gang were all for an excuse to have a party.

Plus when they learned how upset she'd been on her last birthday, they were hoping to make amends thinking that there arrival only made that day worse. When in fact that was the day her life changed for the better.

"Okay everyone shut up she's coming." Amy shushed everyone.

Literally a moment after everyone had quietened down the door clocked open and (Y/N) walked in.

"I'm home!" She called.

But there was no answer, walking into the kitchen she saw a note from her mum. She'd been called into work again.

Great, and just when I thought this birthday was going to be different...



In shock she accidentally fell onto the floor clutching her chest giving a sort of scream. When she realised though what all the commotion was about and saw her friends appearing from hiding places, she started to laugh.

"Try and give me a heart attack why don't you!?" She giggled.

I guess today isn't like last year.

After reassuring the gang that she was fine and pleasantly surprised, that's when everyone started to have fun.

Turns out they had decked out the whole house in decorations hand made by Cream and Cheese, Any had baked a cake. And Tails had nearly blown up the garage making (Y/N) her own communicator as her birthday present. And then the party itself was... Eventful. To say the least.

Sonic was showing off in some manor and ended up accidentally smashing the bulb of the lamp in the sitting room, Knuckles called him careless ending up the pair getting in a playful argument. Tails became panicky worried they'd ruin the party.

Then it was Silver's turn to show off and when was using his powers to help Amy in the kitchen with the food, all the plates nearly ended up smashed if he hadn't of caught them.

After all the commotion Any brought out a cake and the usual song of 'Happy Birthday' was sung.

"Make a wish (Y/N)!" Amy said.

But as she blew out the candles she didn't need to make a wish. Because she had already gotten what she wanted. Friends.

As to be expected the cake was delicious, and amazingly (Y/N) was even able to convince Shadow to have a slice.

The party went on for many more hours until the point that everyone was exhausted. However just before she went to bed (Y/N) cut another slice of cake, putting on a plate and wrapping it up in cling film she placed it on the ledge of an open window.

As she knew there was a certain purple hedgehog who may appreciate the gesture should he drop by.

And that concludes her day, and it was by far the best birthday ever.

Guess who turned 18 today?

Hope you liked it even though it's not the best. Still thought it would be fun to do a themed one shot :)

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