2nd Prize! Emma 'Speedy' x Sonic

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Commencing mission...

Emma was woken up rather rudely. When she felt someone tapping her shoulder she instinctively kicked whomever it was violently, resulting in a hefty clang ringing through out the room.


Seeing it was Cubot rubbing the newly aquired dent in his head as Orbot seemed a little startled Emma gave an irritated sigh.

"What have I told you guys about waking me up?" she asked rhetorically sitting up in her bed "Just let the alarm clock do its job."

"Hey! We didn't choose to wake you up!" Cubot whined "The boss asked us to come get you."

"He demands your presence immediately." Orbot added.

"Fine I'll be there in a second."

She then shooed them out of her room and threw on her usual outfit before heading to main command. At times like this she saw benefits in Eggman instructing her to live in his base in the Egg Empire, at least it saved her a walk.

Although as she headed down the dull corridors her mind drifted to yesterday, to her 'date'. Two days ago Emma had been at a party with the Sonic gang, she enjoyed it some extent but couldn't help but reminisce how she had Sonic had grown distant.

Sonic, naturally, caught on and asked her about it. Which led them to having a date yesterday. It might not have seemed as anything special to some, but to Emma it meant the world. No death, no destruction, no 'Baldy McNosehair' rambling on about controlling the world.

Just a day to be herself, with the guy she liked.

"Ah! Emma there you are!"

Snapped from her thought Emma had reached central command, Eggman sat all high and mighty as usual.

"Would you mind telling me exactly where you were yesterday?" he inquired.

Emma had to be well, speedy, in coming up with a plausible excuse.

"I was training in the Ice Cap Zone, a combination of strength building and endurance of different climates."

There was a brief silence before Eggman gave a usual satisfied grin.

"That's what I like to hear! I trust you'll be prepared for my next mission then."

"Which lab do you want me to ransack this time?"

"Oh ho there Emma! Don't get too speedy now!"

Emma had to bite her tongue as Eggman got close to her nickname, only her closest friends ever called her that. Sonic obviously being one of those who called her that.

"Seeming though you're fully practiced in your battle techniques I have a more challenging mission."

"And what exactly do you want me to do?" she asked growing impatient.

"I want you to track down that blur rat Sonic."

Emma's palms started to sweat and heart beat increased.

"And terminate him."

At that command Emma froze. Terminate him? Surely Eggman had to be bluffing!

"B-but I thought you'd want that honor for yourself." she attempted to salvage the situation. "A-and why don't you send Ash?"

"As much as I am capable of destroying Sonic the element of surprise if you were to attack him would certainly provide an edge!" he explained "And Ash is carrying out another mission stealing another labs inventions."

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