Yandere!Knuckles x reader: Precious Gem

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Hi guys this one shot was written by my twin sis @doubtful_liar as I just couldn't imagine Knuckles being a yandere. So curtsy of @Doubtful_liar, who also did part 2 and 3 for the Shadow yandere, here is this weeks one shot.

"What is it you ask Knuckles?" Tikal questioned to the red echidna who was lazily sitting on the steps of the shrine. The sun a nice and even heat for an equally calming day. As Tikal herself sat delicately in what could be classed as her body, the master emerald.

"How long have you been the Master Emerald's guardian?" He asked as if it was a passing moment.

"Knuckles that is quite a question!" Tikal exclaimed purely shocked.

"Can you tell me or not?" he persisted.

*3 days later*

"Let me guess? An Americarno, and a grape muffin to go?" A cheery (F/C) (A/T) asked over the desk in her dark green apron at her cafe job. The work was tiring, and sometimes the customers could be unbelievably rude. But those latest games wouldn't buy themselves.

"You know me too well" Knuckles chuckled towards her as she started to get his order ready, which upon seeing him enter she had already started preparing the order.

"So guardian of the master emerald what is it that always brings you to this cafe? Rumour says you live off the land" she questioned wrapping the muffin up to go, completing his order. Knuckles had indeed come to the cafe quite a few times, once a day every morning. Ever since Sonic had dragged him down to the main land insisting "You need to take a break!"

For the last 6 weeks

And he got hooked, simply on her.

"What can I say it's nice to have a treat in the morning" He answered with a bright smile, putting his arm wresting on the counter, leaning over slightly showing off his confidence like a scent.

"Here's you order, that is £4.70 please" she asked politely. He handed over the exact amount, took his order and turned to leave before he said:

"Bye (Y/N) see you tomorrow" and with that he left. Leaving (Y/N) shocked.

"How the hell did he know my name?" She asked herself. She had always been secretive and took time to warm up to anyone, even with his constant visits. But working at the cafe she had always had a likeable charm that appealed to others. But her mum and grandmother would always fill her head with stories of young girls being snatched away. So she refused to get close to any boys, unless she had known them well for a while, such as school friends. Not a person she had served on and off for the last 6 weeks. The cafe was only her weekend job, Saturday to Monday and that was it.

Out of sight from the cafe Knuckles quickly threw away his bought muffin not caring in the slightest about wasting the little money he had. He watched her do his order, she had handled the muffin with tongs. But when making the coffee she had touched the cup that was now firmly in his grasp. He drank it thinking purely of her. Like any young man attracted to a girl he remembered how an almost love heart aura had been around her when she came up to the group in the cafe and simply asked:

"Hi! Would you like menus or do you know what you would like today?" Her voice was sweet and inviting, like that of a child. You can't help but be drawn into there sweetness, the innocence, when  comparing himself with his own brutish way.

As already said he continued to go to the cafe every day, getting very annoyed and rude on the days that she wasn't available. He kept on referring to the young (F/C) (F/A) as 'His gem' as he still didn't know her name. But from over hearing her co worked he finally found out her name. (Y/N).

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