Sonic x daughter!reader: Bath Time!

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As I said the next set of one shots will be father themed to celebrate Father's Day!

You are a Hedgehog (just once)

Like father like daughter I guess.

*Knock* *Knock*

The front door of the sweet cottage opened and a friendly looking Vanilla opened the door.

"Mr Sonic, how did the fight go?" Vanilla asked in her usual gentle tone.

"It was a breeze! We soon sent Egghead packing, but how's she been?" Sonic asked.

"She's been a star, just like always." Vanilla smiled.

She motioned for Sonic to come inside and they walked through to the brightly coloured sitting room, and on the floor sat a small (F/C) hedgehog and a teenager Cream playing cats cradle with each other.

"So I twist it like this... and then I loop it like this?" (Y/N) asked, concentrating hard on the loop of string.

"Yes, there you go! You've done a Jacobs ladder!" Cream congratulated her.

The (F/C) hedgehogs eyes glittered at her masterpiece. 

"Hey kiddo!" Sonic said getting her attention.

"Daddy!" she cried gleefully.

Getting up the best she could without her hands she then dashed up to him.

"Look! Look! I made a Jacobs ladder!" she said showing him her cats cradle.

"Would you look at that! Good job (Y/N)." Sonic praised her.

Whenever she was babysat by Vanilla and Cream she always came back learning some other little game, like the best way to win noughts and crosses or four in a row, no one could beat the little thing at that. Or like today, come away with another trick with a cats cradle.

After (Y/N) had shown her dad what she'd done in the time she was in the cottage Cream asked Sonic how the fight had gone and he once again said it was child's play. He then thanked the two like usual and headed home with his daughter.

"What happened at the fight? Was there a big robot? Did you spin dash it? Did mummy hit it with her hammer? Did anything go boom?" she asked straight away as soon as they were out the house.

Sonic gave a smile at her as her tail wagged in anticipation, even though Eggman's attacks were a little rare now a days she still was on the edge of her seat whenever her dad told her about them. 

"Well this one was shaped like a big circle with loads of tentacles with saws and blades on the end..." he began in a well rehearsed authors voice.

He then dramatically told the tale of how they quickly yet awesomely took down the robot with the usual skills of the entire team, before Eggman was sent packing with his moustache slowly turning grey. 

But then as they walked back through the forest (Y/N) jumped up at Sonic's back quills trying to grab them.

"Piggy back! Piggy back!" she said jumping up and down.

"Alright, hop on then." he chuckled.

She awkwardly sat on his shoulders with her head literally in his quills as he walked along. He preferred not to run with her on his shoulders. And when he suddenly ran at his usual fast speed carrying her she often complained, but she was a small thing so who could blame her?

"Where's mummy?" (Y/N) asked as they carried on home.

"Mummy had to come to the fight so she's just finishing off the cleaning at the café." Sonic explained.

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