Tails x reader: Nerds

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You are a (A/T)

'Don't listen to them'. It's an easy thing to say.

"Hey nerd! What you doing!?"

"Oi he's talking to you!"

"Hey where are you going!?"

Tails tried his best to ignore them, he really did. But it was hard to ignore someone when they back you into a corner. With his back pressed against his locker he didn't know what else to do when the three boys blocked him from leaving.

"We asked you a question you deformed fox! Where are you going!?" one of the boys, a hedgehog asked spitefully.

"To class." Tails replied in a dull voice.

"'To class'!" the hedgehog mocked.

The cat and bear just snickered.

"Did you hear that boys he going to class." he mocked again.

"Biology by any chance?" the cat asked ripping his book from Tails' grasp.

"Hey give that back!" he asked desperately reaching for his book back.

"No way you nerd!" the bear snapped pushing him back into the lockers.

"Not so tough without your blue brother looking after you eh?" the hedgehog teased.

Tails' ears drooped at that. Sonic was always protecting him in situations like this but today he was away on a school trip leaving Tails to defend himself.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

The three boys turned around to see a (A/T) stood there clutching the same text book glaring at them. But her expression only set the boys into fits of laughter.

"Awwww! Nerds protecting their fellow people!" the hedgehog laughed.

"I'll repeat myself, leave him alone." she said again taking a couple of paces towards them.

"Or what? You going to go tell a teacher." the hedgehog teased.

And as he said this he lifted a hand as if to pat her cheek in a teasing manner but the (A/T) retaliated by whacking his hand away with her thick text book, hard.

"Ahh! You little bitch!" he said then going to punch her.

But was quickly stopped as she pulled out a can of pepper spray spraying it in his eyes. He quickly fell to the ground groaning in pain.

"I said leave him alone." she repeated a last time.

The hedgehog then mumbled something about his friends getting him to a medical room, so the cat and bear ended up dragging his sorry ass down the corridor leaving the nerd with her fellow brethren.

"Are you alright?" the (A/T) asked simply handing Tails his book back which the bullies had dropped.

"Yeah... thanks. But wont you get in trouble for having that pepper spray?" he asked taking his book back.

"I shouldn't really, he went to attack me so it was in my right to defend myself. My mums a lawyer so I know this stuff." she smiled back.

(I think this is true but don't quote me on it, but also don't hesitate to defend yourself)

"Still you'll probably get in trouble, so thanks for helping me. You didn't have to." he thanked her again gratefully.

"Of course I did, as those assholes said nerds have to look out for each other. Personally I think we're better than them though as at least us nerds have a sweet named after us." she pointed out happily.

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