Phase 7: Beauty Encounter

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Phase 7: Beauty Encounter

Upon joining a Legion, a Gate Guardian must obey their rules. In the Blazing Heart Legion, there is only one major rule: Do not abuse your Quintessence. We are permitted to use our Guardian Abilities as long as we will not violate any civil law. Using it for cheating in exams is an example of this. Once the Legion Master finds out about your actions, he or she has the power to block your ability for three weeks.

[Heightsburg Campus – Heightsburg City]

[2:30 PM]

It was a boiling hot afternoon. Most people are quite busy, doing activities in their school organizations, preparing for the summer festival. Me? I'm a slack-all-around person. I'm part of a Chess Club, but I don't participate that actively. I'm not a sociable person after all. And I don't want to be busy.

It was two in the afternoon, my free time. I decided to go to the school canteen to buy some drink. A canned ice coffee is all I need. After purchasing what I wanted in the vending machine, I made my way to the veranda, where the beautiful view in Heightsburg City can be seen. I began leaning against the railing, drifting off into a daydream when-

"Hey~" Erylle tapped my shoulder. "What time will you go home?"

"H-Hey.... Around four, I guess...Why?"

Erylle started twirling her blonde hair and smiled at me.

"Would you want to test your Guardian ability?"

"We've already tested it last Sunday, remember?"

"Yeah, oh right... Shall we train it a bit?"

Why do I have the feeling of being forced to go out with her? It's highly unlikely, but there's a feeling of it. I'm imagining things, I guess. There you go, delusional Yohan...

Ha! Now I have to choose again!

a. Agree, because you might develop your relationship.

b. Disagree and pretend that you're going to do something else.

c. Confess. Come on, you need to have guts, man! Be ready for rejection, though.

d. Ask her to strip first before agreeing.

The third choice is not even an option. Hey, what's with the fourth choice!!? Thanks a lot, brain!

I just nodded my head in confirmation. She smiled and waved bye at me.

"See you later~"

It's not like I want some training. I just wanted to have some time with my crush. Yeah, I already figured it out why I joined her group to be a Guardian. It's for her, to see her everyday. Darn my decisions, I know I'm gonna get killed because of these.

I don't even know what the use of testing my new Guardian abilities. My powers are not really as useful as it looks. Well, I can learn a new ability if I train hard, Erylle said. She can even teach me to use spells. Maybe she'll teach me this afternoon. Yeah, that's pretty much the reason...hmmm, hmmm.


Right after my class dismissed, Erylle was standing with her arms crossed, waiting for me just beside the front door. She's always like this every afternoon, since we hunt Eidolons together. The Blazing Heart Legion hunt Eidolons by duos, and she is my partner. I'm not complaining, but I want to know more about Heushac and Mia. Besides, I can't talk well if she's around.

"You're alone? Where is Asumi?"

"S-She's busy for the preparations for the summer festival."

"Why won't you accompany your girlfriend~" She twisted her head like an owl.

At least I didn't snap. It even came from her own mouth. It's good to keep my cool as always.

"S-She's not my girlfriend..."

"Oh, I thought you were lovers~" Erylle forced a smile. "I often see you two together after school. But you want her right???"

"She's not accepting confessions... And will you please stop teasing me?"

It's you I want to be my girlfriend! I can't say that of course. I can't afford to get rejected. Besides, she thinks of me as a friend or an acquaintance. I'd fall into the "friendzone" if I ever confess.

At last she finally halted on her insults. As we walked in the corridors, we crossed paths with some of her friends. Most of them asked her if she's going to perform in the summer pageant in the festival, and she keeps answering that she will not. But then another girl arrived at the scene and started stabbing Erylle with her words.

"Erylle won't even win the contest, why would she join? She's too pathetic!"

It was Zenaida, a campus sweetheart, known by many by her beauty and dancing talent. She's quite popular because of her wealthy parents. But for me, she's just a flirtatious brat. For what I've known, she's a cheater on relationships. She always wears thick make-ups that no one can see her true goat face.

Erylle didn't say any word. She just left the scene, silently. I was somewhat furious about that mouth of that girl. I failed to control my cool.

"Shut your goatface." I said.

Zenaida stared at me with her vicious eyes. Before she threw another word, Erylle grabbed my hand and went out of the scene immediately, and silently. I even feel unsatisfied because I can't defend her right.

"Thanks for being my hero, but you didn't have to do that." Erylle said when we're already outside the campus.

I asked her why, but she ignored me. So secretive. She switched to another topic like my relationship with Asumi and other sort of useless things. I know she's doing it on purpose so I kept my silence for a bit.

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