Phase 64: The Flames of Heaven

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Phase 64: The Flames of Heaven


[6:12 PM]

"...Haaaaa...." Serg catches his breath.

He must be really exhausted by now. He's on his knees, using the Meidero as a support just to keep him up. A fifteen-minute swordfight with the dark knight made him so. On the other hand, Verdun is wedged in a small crater just beside me. He was caught by the Cataclysor's shockwave a while ago. Though they're still conscious, they are already unable to fight at this rate.

Erylle is exhausted too. She was now sitting beside me, with bruises and scratches. Even if the three of them combined forces, Benedict's power is still way above from them. Still, I have to heal the three of them.

I can't really hear and see properly right now. Maybe I'm about to deplete my energy. Erylle notices it and tapped my shoulders.

"You should rest. Leave this to us." She smiled.

"There's no way I'll leave these to you three!" I yelled at her.

I clasped my hands it started glowing with blue light. I have to charge energy as many as I have. They will die if nobody will cure their wounds.

"Hrraaaaah!" Serg gushes through the dark knight, who is standing stiff and lax.

Serg raised his Medeiro, and a hundred copies of him were converted from air. They all attack at the same time, smashing the huge icy greatsword to Benedict. But Benedict did one thing: He swiped Cataclysor in the air, forming a glowing circle around him.

The circle then became shockwaves of pure destruction, annihilating all Serg copies in a matter of a second. Upon killing the copies, it will be converted into a round mirror, and will shatter and echoes through the hall while it reaches to the ground.

Benedict raised his right arm and groped the neck of a Serg, who turns out to be the real one. Serg started to suffocate and he tried to pull, push, and struggle from Benedict's grasps. He was helpless at this time. He lost his grip to his Heavenly Blade, so it fell down to the floor before converting itself to particles of light.

"I can destroy your infinite illusions, Serg. You better go home and hide inside your mother's skirt." He said. Then he threw Serg into the ground.

Darn! Is there something we can do? Benedict is really overpowered! If only we have someone who can cast Void Spells like Neo... Wait.

"E-Erylle... I have a plan." I muttered.

Erylle looked into my eyes. I know she's reading my mind right now. It took a second before she nodded and replied.

"Let's try it."

Can we really do it? Serg and Verdun is already at their limit. Erylle is exhausted too, but she's the only one uninjured thanks to my <Healing Touch>. This will be a two-man team. But Erylle never hesitated. She seems to really trust my plan. She stood up and readied her Heavenly Blade and crossbow.

She rushed sideward, storming Benedict magical arrows all over. She ran in circles while making the unmoving Cursed Guardian a target range. Glowing projectiles rushed all over Benedict but he never intended to block any attacks. He let himself get hit by hundreds of arrows.

Of course, it didn't have any effect. But Erylle is running faster and faster. Her feet are as swift as lightning, but now that she has the ability to be faster than time, she now surpasses the speed of light. Her afterimages are the only thing visible right now. Even her body is leaving light behind. The rapid revolution of the sylph resulted in a tornado. The arrows, which are about trillions, have been pouring to every part of Benedict's body.

In this case, Erylle's energy will be depleted after a few minutes. I have to act as well.

"<Void Art: Horus Incinerate>!!!"

Black flames rushed into the tornado Erylle has made, and it mixed itself while being fuelled by the wind. I used a <Barrier> spell on Erylle before she rushed, so she will be okay. I think. But I have trust in her.

I used my <Timelock> again and again just to check tiny gaps of flames that can reveal what's happening inside the flame tornado. It seems like Benedict... he is in a guard stance! I knew it! He's scared of Void Spells! The Flame tornado started melting Benedict's armor. His expression – The face of fear has finally been shown to us. For once, we gained a slight advantage against him!

The arrows Erylle was shooting was now coated with black flames. To prevent further damage, Benedict used his Cataclysor to slash all incoming projectiles. But he can only prevent twenty arrows every second. Once he realized that he's taking more damage than he could ever think, he dematerialized his Heavenly Blade and protected his head with his arms. He can no longer rely on his armor which is nothing more like a melted metal at this time.


"This will be our final attack!" Erylle shouted.

Erylle was spinning gracefully on top of the eye of the tornado. Her acrobatic smooth movements will make it easy to confuse her as an angel. Her Reginleif was glowing in white light, full of energy of the heavens. The black flame tornado slowly converted to gray, then to white, matching the color of the Heavenly Blade.

"<Blazing Heart Sync: Flames of Heaven>!!!"

The Regileif was now covered by white tornado around it's blade as Erylle pointed it to Benedict. Then, with a raging shout, she surged towards the enemy in the speed of light. The flames of heaven: this is the power of our combined hope and love. We put everything on this. This is our willpower. This is our ballad. This is our blazing heart.


Benedict immediately raised his right arm and pointed it to Erylle. There's a gray Weapon Gem! It glowed with white light, and became a large white round shield with red linings and ancient writings on it. In the nick of time... he was able to block it.

"Guh!" Benedict grunted.

But the shield wasn't enough. The blade pierced through his shield like butter, and continued surging on the Master of the Dark Legion. It was a direct and fatal hit. The ground shatters, making a small crater on Benedict's foot.

"This is your end!"

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