Phase 89: A Hard Truth

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Phase 89: A Hard Truth

[Blazing Heart Haven – Heightsburg City]

[7:43 AM]



I jumped out of the bed, making a surprised "wake up" like what everyone does after escaping a nightmare. On the other hand, Asumi was there, crying out of loud because of astonishment. This room...It's my room in our haven in Heightsburg City! What am I doing here?

"Geez, don't you dare surprise me like that!" Asumi puffed her chest and sighed.

"I-I'm sorry..." I immediately calmed myself down. But then I remembered everything before I just passed out. "Hey, where's Erylle?"

Asumi held her silence and bowed, shaking her head. Something is telling me that everything is not good. So I immediately went out of the room and entered the lounge. Everyone on our Legion was there, circling on the glass table. Lironeo, Benedict, Felix, Caroline and Atlas are even here.

There was an envelope on the middle of the table.

But I couldn't care less about that. "Where is Erylle?" I asked everyone on this place but none of them answered me. They all ignored me, but all of them looked serious. What's going on?

"Yohan, you have to calm down. For now, at least." Zion said as he held my shoulders and assisted me to sit down on the sofa.

"W-What the hell is happening!?"

"Calm down first, then we'll tell you everything." Zion forced a smile on me.

I looked at everyone, and everyone looked at me. I can't read any of their emotions right now.

Asumi served me a glass of water and a cup of tea for me to drink. Everyone else is talking...murmuring on the lounge. I'm just able to watch them from the distance, so I can't really understand what they're saying right now.

Maybe I needed to calm down after all. Worrying will be a waste of time as of this point.

After five minutes, Asumi who was staying at my side talked.

"Are you okay now?"

"A little." I replied coldly as I take a sip of my tea.

"That's good. I know Erylle doesn't want to kill you..."

Come to think of it...I'm alive! I seriously forgot that I am! I don't know how or why am I still in this world. Guess Erylle's condition is on top of my priority list. But Erylle stabbed me with her Reginleif... What did she do?

"Yohan, will you try opening a Gate right now?" Neo entered the dining room and immediately requested.

I nodded and then swiped my fingers into the thin air. Nothing happened. I tried it again. And again. But a Gate never opened. Now I looked like an idiot.

"As I thought." Neo muttered. "Erylle reverted you back to being a normal person."

"I-I lost my powers...huh...S-So I'm not a Guardian anymore? I-Is there a way to get my powers back?"

"I only know one way, and I will never tell you how."

"W-Why? Erylle is now a Cursed Guardian! I have to stop her! I have to turn her back!" I shouted, leaving my seat as I walked to Neo. "I have to do it."

"No. You can't." Neo said with certainty. "Your feelings for her will make it worse. Just leave everything to us."

"I-I can't just watch in the corner!"

"You'll have to."

I got the urge to punch Neo in the face, but Asumi immediately came between us. She held my shoulders and tried to comfort me with her words.

"Leave it to us. You have done enough, Yohan. Just take a rest. We promise, we will get Erylle back."


The letter on the glass table contained the plans of action the Gate Guardian will be commencing in tomorrow. It was to bring Erylle back to her original self.

The only other Legion that knows what happened to Erylle is the Eaglehorn Legion. Felix agreed to help them get Erylle back to us. Aside from all of the Blazing Heart Legion, Neo, Benedict and Atlas will be participating on this mission.

It will be hard to track Erylle, but Neo or Void Wolf has the ability to summon anyone using his Void Spells. All other Guardians will proved support and distraction when needed.

And I... I will be watching them fight again, not able to do anything for my love.


I spent the night stargazing at the backyard. It felt lonely now Erylle wasn't there for me. She used to blabber everything that happened during the day, then she will pull a ridiculous punchline then flirt at me. I missed her, really.

Just when I'm about to cry, I decided to go back to my room and sleep. The big day is tomorrow, and she will be back with us... certainly.

The sun went down and rise again. It is already six in the morning. Everyone is getting prepared for battle, in case Erylle resisted. While everyone is busy, I roamed around the house, feeling the fresh air around. I have to calm down, at least. If I got myself caught up in the battle because of my uncontrollable feelings, I will be a nuisance for them.

I first went to the backyard. This is where Erylle baptized me. This is also where we spend nights together holding hands and teasing each other. The crack on the fence reminded me of an event where she kicked me when I forced her to insert a certain sword unto her body... No, it's not what you think. I'm talking about her being the Reginleif's vessel instead of me.

The living room. There is a bulletin board...or our planning board. Right now, it is filled with information regarding this operation. Everything here is about Erylle's capabilities, and also theories on what the Cursed power she is getting a boost with. She might be more powerful than Cursed Benedict, they said.

There was a piece of cheese cake on the kitchen. I remember myself eating one of those. Since I got a taste of Erylle's dish, it already became my favorite. Now that I think of it, Erylle is the perfect wife for everybody.

So much for nostalgia. Here comes the battle!

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