Phase 21: The Blue Ribbon

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Phase 21: The Blue Ribbon

[Myrrh City Beach]

[2:11 PM]

It's been roughly half a minute. I'm still thinking of what to do. I must get Heushac's attention, so that he can find it for us. But he's not looking at us. He even seemed lost, but he's still enjoying himself making huge splashes.

"Is this yours?"

Yes! A lady gave me the long lost item. Erylle's fear and embarrassment disappeared when she saw that.

I helped her tie the one piece on her back. She kept on praising and apologizing to me. I never said a word. I just focused on making that bra tighter so that it wouldn't happen again.

The next thing that happened was one of the happiest things that happened in this day.

We had our photo-shoot just before we left the beach, thanks to those school journalists. There are roughly about fifty of these photos. We also had stolen shots earlier, like me kissing the volleyball and being wasted, Erylle hugging me in the middle of the water, and Heushac diving in the water.

I told Heffy to delete all my volleyball and hugging moments, but she won't.

Heffy tried hard to convince me to take a picture with Erylle. At first, I hesitated. It's too awkward. Because of the embarrassing happenings on this day, I can barely look her in the eyes. But then Erylle grabbed me and we finally had our picture together.

And that was the happiest thing I'm talking about. It's not just a photo, it's me and her. She's in her swimsuit that makes her stand out. I'll have a copy of this in my phone. I'll make it my wallpaper.

The sun went down very fast. It was already sunset when we decided to part ways; those two journalists decided to go back to Heightsburg City, leaving the whole Legion in the stalls near the beach.

There is one thing that caught my eye in one of the store. It's a blue ribbon, shining as it reflects the light from the sunset. Its pure blue color is what makes it special. The seller gave it to me at half price, so I bought it. The only problem is... What am I gonna do with this ribbon?

After buying, I immediately hid it in my backpack. It will be bad if Erylle discovered that I bought a girly accessory...


We came back to the hotel when it's already dark. Like yesterday, we had the same gorgeous grand meal, and there's a contest between the two idiots again. But now, Erylle has a better appetite. But she's no match for those two.

Me? I became a new challenger on their contest. I never had such appetite before. I needed to recover all my lost energy from the jogging, volleyball, and meditating. Well, meditating even helped me recover some of my energy. It's just too stressful to do it.

After the meal, I immediately got curious in the upper floors, so I went to investigate on it all by myself. I went up in those tiring stairs until I found out that there is a very good stargazing place. It's the rooftop.

I sat down on the concrete floor and gazed upon the skies. There are no clouds, so millions of twinkling stars can be seen in the dark skies. The moon is also there, crescent. It's quite different in Transfield. The moon there is always full moon, and it always looks like it's gonna fall from the skies. It's not even soothing in the eye to stare at the bloody moon.

I went up and gazed on the skyscrapers. The pretty lights sparkled. Then a sweet breeze of air came in. I suddenly felt that I'm in the mood to try meditating again. So I sat down and closed my eyes.


I immediately jumped out of shock. It was Erylle, chuckling.

"You're too nervous!~"

"Wha-...How did you know that I'm here?"

"I followed you, idiot!" She chuckled again. "I'm going to ask you about something~"

"About what?"

She started finding something on her cardigan and reached out for a thing that made my jaw fall unto the ground.

"It's about this ribbon~"

"Wha-H-How did you get that!?"

"Tell me first~"

"It's just looks cute so I bought that earlier in the market, okay! Give me that!"

I started reaching it out from her hand, but she immediately evaded and raised it up higher. Darn this woman!

"Oh, are you a homo-"

"NOOOOO!!!" I cried out loud. "Give it back to me please..."

"Guys like you shouldn't have this~" She chuckled again.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop teasing me and give it back already!"

She finally gave it back. The moment I touched the ribbon, I immediately stashed it back to my pocket. Then I stared at her ferociously. But then, Erylle made this sorry face and tried to calm me.

"D-Don't be angry... The truth is I just wanted you to come with me to the Black Cross Mansion..."

"Why not those two?"

"I wanted you to meet someone~"

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