Phase 60: A Battlefield

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Phase 60: A Battlefield

[Black Cross Haven – Myrrh City]

[1:02 PM]

The two Holy Knight beside the nun started materializing their Weapon Gems. The white haired man is wielding a scythe, and the other man is wielding a katana. They pointed it to our direction as if they are threatening us. But then the nun asked the two to lower their weapons, and tried to act calmly as possible.

"So, you're here to go against the Mother Legion?"

"No, we're not. We are here to inform you that there is a traitor among the Holy Knights." Erylle said. Hearing this, she now knew who is pulling the strings. Felix also glared at me and nodded.

"Such a shameful accusation! You hid a traitor, doubted the highest order, and now you're randomly pinpointing the source of these chaotic events. You know that Cursed Guardians can easily be detected here in this dimension, and now you're accusing a Holy Knight who's always in this Haven? Nonsense!"

"What if we told you that...the enemy is not a Cursed Guardian?" Erylle said with certainty, crossing her arms below her bosoms.

"...T-That's..." The nun's face became shocked. It is clear that her mind is searching for answers. "...Impossible."

"It's because of a Heavenly Blade wielder, who is also a Holy Knight. He is wielding the Heavenly Blade of Dimensions, which can destroy the dimensional wall between the Transfield and this world. Thus, he can summon Cursed Guardians at will." Erylle calmly explained. "That explains why the Cursed Guardians are always watching us."

I and Felix looked at Erylle, who seemed confident with her words. What is she talking about? Even Amanda Cryst is shocked about this revelation!

"Yohan, Timelock!" Caroline's voice entered my ears through the earpiece.

I immediately used the <Timelock> ability without hesitation and surveyed the surroundings. There's something Caroline saw while we're all talking, so my job here is to look for it.

Nothing's wrong with the shocked face of the Legion Master of Black Cross. There's no one else in this room except the six of us. There are guards behind the door where we came in, but I can't see it right now. The office...What the heck does Caroline wants me to inspect for?

I inspected the two Holy Knights, who are also in shock. The white haired man is looking at the blonde guy, and he seems to be raising his right arm. The blonde guy's chest is somewhat glowing with darkish blue light. Is that a Weapon Gem? No. That light is a lot brighter. I think I've seen that light before...

It's a Heavenly Blade! I'm pretty sure the blonde guy is the vessel, just like me! And the white-haired guy is the wielder!

I dispelled the <Timelock> and immediately shouted. "Erylle!!!"

She immediately put her right hand on her chest and a glowing white light filled the room. At the same time, the white-haired man pulled the blade from the other guy's chest and made a darkish blue dazzling light.

Crash! The silence of the Haven is now dead as the battle commenced between the two Heavenly Blade Wielders. The main office is now having a gigantic hole at the side, which is now a shortcut to the main hall of the building. The white wall has been converted into rocks and useless debris. The smoke from the impact is never fading.

Cough. Cough. I'm quite allergic to dust, but don't mind me. We are now facing a powerful enemy, and it might be as powerful as Void Wolf.

Erylle and the white haired man were now on the ground floor. The other blonde guy is still on this office, and he's holding his scythe in a defensive stance. Felix's fast reactions made it possible to pull the nun out of danger, which is now staying behind us. Then Felix materialized his golden rapier on his right arm and formed a fencing guard.

The two Guardians behind the door entered the room. To their surprise, they failed to take a single action, but not until Felix shouted "Get Sister Cryst away from here!"


"My, my. I didn't expect that Miss Fontaine will break our cover." The white haired man said.

"You...You're not a Cursed Guardian. Why are you helping the Dark Legion?"

"You don't know me very well, Miss Fontaine."

"I know you. Arslan Veronimus, S+ Guardian of the Black Cross." Erylle sighed. "I know you very well since I just read your mind. I even know where you hid all your adult magazines in this Haven~"

"So you know that I wanted chaos from the start." Arslan clenched his fists. "I wanted a revenge for the murder of my sister! I want to kill every last one of you Gate Guardians!"

"Your sister is a Cursed Guardian. The only obvious way to stop her is to kill her."

"Shut up!" Arslan cried. "I'll defeat you!"

The white-haired man is holding two katana-like swords, but they are not identical. One of them is glowing green, which is suspected to be the Heavenly Blade of Dimensions, Kurahashi. Since he just drew it from the other Guardian, this means that the blade is not working at full power yet. Erylle is in the advantageous side here. And also, there are Black Cross Guardians surrounding the Haven. We have them all cornered up.

"I know you will defeat me in no time at all since you also have a fully powered Heavenly Blade, but..." Arslan swiped Kurahashi in thin air, and a dimensional rift glowing with blue light emerged. " can't possibly win if I summon the Dark Legion here and now."

The rift started growing bigger in just a millisecond and made a blinding red flash. I think I've seen it before. The ring of light in the summit. This is the exact same spell!

We all covered our eyes and the next time we a battlefield.

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