Phase 10: Erylle's Fake Smile

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Phase 10: Erylle's Fake Smile

[Several Years Ago - Heightsburg City]


I was raised by an average family. Erwin and Martha Fontaine were the best parents that were given to me. We're not that rich or famous, we just had a simple life. I had a little brother, Eliseo. We're a normal family but then, it all started to crumble.

When I was in junior high school, I received a call from my mother. Eliseo suddenly collapsed in his school and they carried him into the hospital. When I came into the hospital, I found my mother sobbing uncontrollably on my father's chest. The results from the doctors shocked me, it was a horrible diagnoses.

Multiple system failure. A rare one. Modern technology doesn't have a cure for it. The doctors started to refuse any operations, since that will be a gamble for my brother's life, and no one wants to risk it. The dialysis and other life maintenance machines costs became the very problem of my parents. They even borrowed hundreds of thousands from the bank. But they couldn't even pay the monthly interest, so we became buried in debt.

That's where I used my talents. I had myself join some of the pageants and singing contests, earning more money than my parent's monthly salary. I got even got hired from a restaurant bar and a hotel to sing every Friday and Saturday nights. There was a time that I got myself singing and dancing on the TV, which made me famous. But I never abandoned my studies. Although I'm not that smart, I studied hard to get above average grades.

Of course, I got several fans and also, lovers. I never entertained any of those since I only have one objective: To have my little brother cured. It's good that I can finance my family and my brother's hospital fees with ease, since I got multiple projects and pageants.

I thought I already had the answer to my problems.

One day, a call came from the police. The police said that my mother and father fell victim to a car crash. Both of them, dead.

I cried everyday. Clinical Depression was taking its toll. I began starving myself at meal time, I never had an appetite. Basic tasks, like taking a bath, became harder and harder, I had no motivation. It was as if my soul had been sucked out of me. Performing at clubs felt equal to climbing Mount Everest, it was just that hard. Sometimes I questioned if I wanted to keep living, what else do I have in my life? But I must. I have my brother, I must live for his sake.

Eliseo is a fan of a leading comic franchise, so to keep him smiling on his room, I always bought those kinds of magazines and comics. He will always say to me "Thank You!" with his friendly cute smile. That is the only motivation I need to live on.

But everything became much worse than it ever be. He can't see as well anymore. When he describes his vision he always says it's blurry, his legs have collapsed on themselves. He can't stand without help or a walking stick. A wheelchair is the best way for him to move.

The doctors told me his lifespan would last three months more, at the most. I can't even think about it. Once Eliseo disappears, I won't have any reason to live on.

Eliseo once asked me to take him to one of my concerts. Even though the doctors disapprove this, I insisted. This is the only way to make him happy. It was his birthday when I had the concert with him. He keeps on clapping his hand whenever it's my time to perform. It felt good whenever I see him in that way.

At that night, I decided to sleep on his room in the hospital. I was tired because of the concert at that time. Eliseo is lying on the bed when I leaned unto him, half asleep. He was touching my hair and played with it having a smile on his face.

He kept on blabbing about how beautiful I am on that concert when I fell down asleep. I can't understand the words, until he told me these:

"I'm so glad that you're my sister!"

Those were his last words.

From that on, all the smiles I gave to people are fake.

I kept on living, but losing the purpose of it. I stopped singing and being a model. I just don't feel like doing those anymore.

It will just make me remember my melancholic past.


After I heard Erylle's story, I was filled with sorrow.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said.

"It's okay~" She smiled. "The Blazing Heart Legion is my new family now. I have Heushac, Mia, and you."

Seeing her smile removed the gloomy atmosphere on this dark starry night. Nevertheless, something does not feel right about her story...

"It's incomplete. Who made you a Guardian?" It's my turn to pout. "And you never told me about your love story with Atlas."

"You're really irritating when it comes to curiosity." She forced a smile. "I'll tell you everything, when the time is right."

"There is another thing I want to ask..."

"What is it?" She tilted her head 20 degrees.

"Will you compete in the Summer Pageant?"

"I-I...I don't feel like it anymore." She bowed down.

"What if...What if I'll treat you to any restaurant you like? Just participate in the audition, that's all. Doesn't matter if you win or lose...."

"That's ridiculous!" She chuckled.

I immediately grabbed her hand without proper consciousness. Then I stared at her sparkling green eyes.

"I don't go back on my word. I will never leave you. So please...please enter the pageant for me..."

She never did answer. We never talked about it for the whole night, until I went home to my dormitory. Most probably she won't enter the competition.


The next day, Asumi and I went together into the school. She started telling stories about her club and what are they going to sell stuffs and I just pretended to care. This is our regular morning.

I don't know why we are accompanying each other everyday. Oh yes, she's clumsy. But it really looks like we're lovers just like Erylle said. Now it feels awkward. Oh yes. Asumi doesn't have any friends. It's just me. She appears to be a loner type in school. She's comfortable only with me.

There's a crowd in the school bulletin board. I know that the board has some flyers regarding the events of the summer festival. Asumi stopped and joined the crowd while I continued to walk. I don't care for such events, really. I just don't find those enjoying, except if there were extraordinary events.

But I think I've found one this time.

Asumi started to run into my direction. She was smiling suspiciously at me.

"Hey... I never thought that your princess is going to join the pageant!"

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