Phase 84: Fooling Around

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Phase 84: Fooling Around

[Romanov Guest House – Mirose Grande City]

[10:02 AM]

Yes, we have a guest house. Not to brag, but my family have some kind of luck about our financial status. This house is a two-story building, capable of having 10-12 guests. This house is even bigger than where my family lives, but the lovely view of it to the beach will make it a waste. So we decided that it will be a guest house from now on.

Normally on summer days, we would do a renting business for tourist to enjoy the Mirose Grande Beach. Now that it's winter, we are free to use it as a resting place. Especially for my Legion.

I'm not the one who invited them. My mother invited them. I'm not against it, but I was never surprised about the hospitability of my parents. It's not a bad thing but...I always get a lot of trouble whenever my Legion is having a vacation.

The Blazing Heart Legion will be staying here until the New Year celebration comes to an end.

"Whoaaa, you have a nice guest house!" Mia exclaimed in amazement as soon as I let them inside of the house.

"Yohan's family is quite wealthy, isn't he?" Zion said.

"N-No! We're just in the middle class... Hahahaha!" I made a fake laugh.

"Hey, I can see the beach here!" Asumi's eyes sparkled like a child as she looked on the window. "After we unpack our things, let's play outside!"

Who the heck will play in the beach during winter? Well, there's no snow right now. The sun is shining bright. Talk about global warming. But I'm sure that the beach water is cold.

"...Yes!" Skye celebrated silently as she fistpumped. She's the youngest girl in this Legion, so naturally she would be jubilant like a child.


Right after we unpacked our things, Erylle grabbed all our attention.

"I finished first, so I'll be first to go!~"

She immediately undressed, and a pair of striped green bikini remained on her body. Then she dashed on the beach sand in the speed of a child.

"No fair sis!" Heushac exclaimed. "I'll go too!"

Without finishing unpacking his things, Heushac immediately removed his shirt and then rushed to the beach sand in the speed of a child.

"I'll go too!" Asumi exclaimed. She then dashed to the beach sand...but before she could get her momentum to run, she tripped and got her face buried on the sand.

They're all acting like a child who never saw a beach before. Well, Heightsburg City doesn't have any beach so that would be a normal expression amongst themselves.


We had several activities on the beach. Water gun wars, sandcastle building, swimming and diving, and of course, my old enemy; beach volleyball. Since there are seven of us, I insisted to be the referee to avoid being injured...again.

But it never worked. On the first three games, my face collided with the volleyball eight times. So then I decided to rest with an ice bag on my nose.

Zion and Heushac decided to rest with me on the side of the beach, where we can see the girls playing volleyball with themselves. Zion is really thrilled to see our Legion members in a bikini while playing volleyball because of some...bouncing...Hey! My girlfriend is in there! Stop staring at Erylle!


Before I can say that, there was a sound of a flying projectile. Between Zion's legs...are three glowing arrows, probably coming from Erylle's Weapon Gem. There was a grim shift on Zion's expression as she looked back at Erylle, who obliviously smiled at him.

"That would teach you not to stare at Erylle." I said with a smirk.

"Y-Yes!" Zion affirmed like a scared soldier.


When it was noon, I prepared a red mat on the sand. Erylle helped me bring out the snacks. There are some Japanese rice balls, BLT sandwiches, potato chips, salad, and a box of sweets.

Erylle is the one who prepared those sandwiches, so I'm the first to feast on that one. Asumi prepared those rice balls, so Zion was the one who finished them all. Skye is the one who made the sweets and candies. Every girl seems to love those. And Mia prepared the salad. Heushac hates salad.

"Salad is just for girls." Heushac said, as he gulped more potato chips and rice balls.

"My, that's bad, Mia prepared that for you~" Erylle said in a fake compassionate tone.

"I-I...It's not for you, pigshit!" Mia turned his back. Then she grabbed a lollipop on the sweetbox and pouted.

"Hey, you should try it first..." I convinced Heushac, now being aware that Mia is going to be sad.

"Fine." Heushac groaned as he put a forkful of macaroni salad to his mouth. "Mmmm...Not good...Not bad either."

"D-Do you like it?" Mia mumbled her words, asking Heushac. She's quite blushing right now.

"At least it's edible." Heushac smiled.

"H-H-H-How dare you!" Mia materialized his Weapon Gem, ready to fight.

Good thing Erylle made her "Grim Reaper" face to put cold water in the raging flames.


"I'm stuffed~" Erylle held her large bosoms and laid her body down in the mat. Now she's going to sleep.

Skye is silently creating a sandcastle on top of the sleeping Heushac, who is snoring loudly. I decided to help her because it looks fun. Meanwhile, Zion is there up in the roof while seeking something with binoculars. Now I regret lending him that one. He's using it for his crimes again.

Asumi and Mia are there in the water. It seems like Asumi is teaching Mia how to swim. Wait, Asumi knows how to swim?

Glubglubglub! Asumi is drowning! Good thing Mia immediately rescued her using a fishnet nearby. CPR is unnecessary with Asumi. Once she got herself on the land again, she just spurted water to her mouth like a fountain. Then she immediately stood up.

"Ahahaha! I totally forgot that I don't know how to swim!" Asumi laughed at herself.

Asumi, you idiot.

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