Phase 78: Gray Sun

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Phase 78: Gray Sun

[Transfield – 2 Months Back]

[10:04 PM]

Erylle touched Asumi's bleeding chest with her glowing green hand. It was a <Healing Touch> spell, and thanks to her <Guardian Mode>, the healing process took only three seconds to finish. Asumi's heart and lungs has been ripped and toasted by the Heavenly Blade of Destruction, but Erylle's Reginleif reversed the time's flow on her body, making her perfectly well again.

As soon as Asumi opened her twinkling eyes, I immediately hugged her really tight, like a koala caressing a branch of a tree.

"A-Asumi! Y-You're safe! T-Take goodness!!!" Tears of joy came out of my eyes.

"...E-Eh?" she said in surprise. I bet she didn't know what happened. "A-Are you hugging me a little tight?"

I ignored her. Instead, I let out a silent cry.

"...Um...I don't know what's happening but the way you hug me like a lover is like......I'm sorry, we're just friends..." Asumi said, while struggling to escape from my grasps.

S-She's still savage as ever! I'm just concerned because I'm her best friend! How dare she friendzone me! I have a girlfriend, for Pete's sake!

That was my mind speaking. I don't have the luxury to say that, of course. I'm too overjoyed for seeing Asumi alive again. So I refused to let go. I even tightened my grip to her body.

"...Urk..." Asumi moaned a little. Temperature rose up on her cheeks that made it reddish. "...Maybe I'll give you a chance to date me once you and Erylle had a break-up."

Still savage! I'm not planning on ruining my relationship with Erylle!

After a few seconds, I calmed down a little. I released Asumi from my arms. But then, someone grabbed her tighter than my hug before! It was Erylle!

"The cutest girl on my Legion returns!" Erylle cried, while suffocating Asumi with her tight cuddle.

Now Asumi looked like she's going to die again.


It took us a couple of minutes to be fully prepared to create a Time Gate again. We've finished explaining everything happening to Asumi, and I think she gets it all (What a surprise from an airhead.). We easily convinced her to use the Heavenly Blade of Death to the raging Aeternos in the future.


We returned to the real time, where the red-humanoid demon is rampaging on the great deserts of the Transfield. It looks like we never consumed any time here.

"Whoa, that's fast!" Heushac exclaimed as soon as he saw us coming from the Time Gate.

"How long has it been?"

"Just about 5 seconds."

We really didn't consume any time because it's on our side.

"I'll give you back your Guardian Abilities." Erylle said.

Her body was covered with golden light as she exhaled. Seven Quintessence balls floated and returned to their respective owner's hearts. Erylle's white winged Valkyrie attire vaporized to thin air.


It was an explosion a few hundred meters from here. All the Legion Masters are having a hard time fighting that red demon. Most of them are quietly bruised and wounded, but neither of them decided to back off.

"Are you ready?" Erylle asked Asumi.

"Y-Yes!" Asumi drew her courage.

Asumi's heart sparkled as it glowed with white light. She reached her hand for the black hilt and slowly pulled it up. A blinding flash entered without warning.

"The Heavenly Blade of Death, the <Ainsoal>."

Its hilt is quite long that it looks more than a spear rather than a sword. It has red short blade attached on its tip, engraved with some texts that I don't understand. It has a glowing gray aura that flows from its wielder, Asumi.

"Listen!" Erylle shouted for the whole group to understand. "We will provide distractions until Asumi finished channeling her spell. But no one should sacrifice or risk their lives. If you feel like you're in danger, escape!"



"<Gungnir Sting>!!!"

Felix shouted as his rapier's blade formed into a more gigantic golden figure. He rushed to the demon but the demon blocked the attack with its bare hands. The Aeternos then caught the rapier and smashed it to the ground, leaving Felix on the crater.

"<Meteoric Blow>!!!"

Heushac's newfound spell created a magma-like coating on his sword. Yes, his Enchantment elements are earth and fire, thus creating meteor-type spells. But it was not enough. The demon blocked it with its left hand, and parried it. Heushac then dashed backwards to prevent any hits.

"<Surging Fireflies>!!!"

It's Mia's turn! Tiny balls of light came out from her staff that looks like dancing glitters. It surrounded the Aeternos and then BANG! The tiny fireflies exploded like dynamites. The explosions continued for about half a minute which covered the whole place with smoke. But when the smoke faded, the demon is still there, unaffected by any attack.

"Hyaaaah! <Deadly Seven>!!!"

Zion surged forward the demon and threw punches and kicks together with his gun, creating a dance of death. Some of his moves are like merged techniques of kickboxing and gun kata. He was really graceful and full of energy, but the demon easily parried all his attacks.

"<Vent Tornado>!!!"

Skye used his dual scythe-blades to twirl in the air, making a tornado that rushed to the demon. Tiny plasma blades were mixed on the tornado on this attack to perforate the enemy, but the Aeternos just covered itself with its wings. Now that the demon is on the defensive side, I have to use it now!

"<Void Art: Ithaqua Frostbite>!!!"

I exhaled a sea of white smoke to the curling demon. The white smoke immediately froze anything it touches. Now the demon is just an iceberg! I knew it! Void spells are able to stall this beast!

"<Tachyon Seal>!!!"

Erylle came from behind me and stabbed the white sword on the ice where Aeternos was imprisoned. The whole ice was now covered with astral rings that rotated around the frozen demon's body!

"I sealed the time inside that ice but I can't keep it for so long!" Erylle shouted to the other Guardians. "Legion Masters! Use all your binding spells!"

They all did what Erylle said. Now, the ice is covered with spider web, which is covered by vines, which is covered by cement, which is covered by metal, which is sealed inside a plasma box. We got him now cornered. Now the rest is on Asumi!

Asumi has these nine tail-like cloths curling in front of the Heavenly Blade Ainsoal like a flower bud. The Heavenly Blade started charging energy as it formed a gray blazing sphere on the tip. She really looks like she's preparing for her ultimate attack.

"<Kitsune Art: Ninefold Exorcism – Purification Sun>!!!"

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