Phase 19: Solar Panel

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Phase 19: Solar Panel

Mianette Springfield's Guardian Ability, <Memodrive>, makes her able to have a photographic memory. That is why she is the brightest person in the Blazing Heart Legion. That explains why she can write a spell book for me with ease. That also explains why she's so noisy, since she always wanted to argue and explain Heushac that she is always right...

[Myrrh City Beach]

[8:01 AM]

"I never had a girlfriend, and I don't want to have one."

Heushac finished talking just after he struck the large umbrella's edge into the white sand. I just asked him about his love life while preparing the apparatus on the beach.

We rested our backs in the benches we just set up, enjoying the beautiful view of the sun, and of course, the white beach.

Erylle and Mia are playing beach volleyball under the sun, and coincidencially, two of the Heightsburg Campus Journalists are here, playing with them. Heffy and Arthur. Those two tag along like twins, but if you don't know those two, you might mistake that poor Arthur is a "slave" of that hyperenergetic Heffy.

My eyes darted towards Erylle, and her appearance ignited my heart rate She's wearing a green tops and bottoms, but what makes her different is the way her eyes are being brought out in the brilliant sunlight. They twinkle like emeralds and her clothes just pronounce them eve more! I've seen her on a beautiful white gown before, but seeing her in a bikini in person is a new whole level.

On the other hand, Mianette is wearing a school bikini that is colored blue. I don't know if she has any breast at all. Whoops, that's offensive! Maybe she hasn't matured that much yet. It is okay, her asset is her cuteness anyway.

Now I sounded like a perverted bikini critic.

Heushac made a little smile when he noticed me staring at Erylle. "Mia is really envious Erylle's big boobs, because she only has choppingboard on her chest."

We laughed at the same time, and then relaxed our heads. Heushac fell asleep at a short time.

Bored, I started again to watch Erylle make some spikes, returns, and such. Each and every movement of hers are filled with grace.

Erylle noticed me and she waved her hand and gave me an innocent smile. Then she shabbily walked into my face.

"Don't you dare stare at me." She pouted.

"I-I'm not!" I shrieked.

Upon hearing my stuttering voice, she shifted to a smile. Then, she held her hips with her right hand. "By the way, I'll teach you how to gather energy from the sunlight~"

I immediately transformed my smile into an awkward pout. "...Training again?"

"Stop whining like a kid, geez... Don't be like that, it's not that hard. It's better than slacking off like that idiot." She was pertaining to the sleeping sapphire haired knight.

"Okay, okay. Your wish is my command. So what do I have to do to charge my energy?"

"You know how to meditate?"

I made an Indian sitting position then I don't know what to do next, so I stared at the blonde beauty. She raised one of her arms. After about three seconds, a green orb of light materialized and made a whistling sound.

"This is how I gather Light Energy. I can do it in one hand, but for starters, we'll use your two hands and two feet to charge energy."

Then she went into my back and corrected my meditating position.

"Straighten your back! You're like a hunchbacked old man~" She chuckled. "Hands and feet together, don't let them stay away. You have to act like a solar panel to gather Light Energy!"

I can't really focus! She often touches my chest and butt just to straighten my back, and I'm not comfortable for the reason that I'm ticklish enough to scream like a little girl in this situation.

At last, I followed every instruction she gave me. I'm now in a praying monk.

"Stay in focus. There, there~"

My arms and feet started glowing with a dim green light after about ten seconds. It's much slower than Erylle's.

"I'll give you a prize especially from me if you mastered that one~" she said, still smiling.

"What prize?!"

"It's a secret. Right now, focus on gathering as much as you can."

Then Mia came shouting her name. It's a volleyball rematch. Erylle smiled at me again before she went into the volleyball court and play again with the other girls. Meanwhile, Heushac woke up, blaming Mia's loud voice. Then he noticed me meditating.

For the very first time, Heushac envied me. It's because I can focus enough to gather Light Energy, and he can't. He told me that he is the only one in the Legion who can't gather any Energy because he didn't meet the standard "focus level" to Light Charge.

"Heeeey! We're two players shooort!" Heffy yelled from a far distance, waving at us. "You can join us!"

Heushac looked at me, asking me to join. Then, I realized what game it is. Volleyball. I don't even know how to play it. I tried once, and it always leaves me a painful wrists. It's okay if it's basketball, but not this.

"Let's go!" I agreed anyway.

So we had a good team-up. I'm with Mia and Heffy. Heushac is with Erylle and Arthur. Heushac was the ones who decided this team up. He wanted to beat Mia with his own hands, he said. Sigh, I wanted to team up with Erylle...

We finished a set of games with me doing nothing, just failing my ball serves and letting my teammates receive the ball. I don't want to get my arms hurt. Also, Heushac and Mia seem to be the only ones playing. They seem to enjoy the sight of each other suffering, receiving and tossing the ball only to each other's position.

So when we're about to begin another game, a group of six mysterious people came and asked to play with us.

"May we butt in, Madamoiselle Fontaine?" A blonde prince-like guy said with modest. Some of the bikini girls are clinging on his arms. Yeah, I'm quite jealous. He's handsome. Maybe he's the very definition of a heartthrob...or a standard douche you can see on some teenage movies.

"Sure~" Erylle answered.

Just who is this guy? He just talked like that to Erylle! Is he...

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