Phase 51: An Awkward Love

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Phase 51: An Awkward Love

Skye Goldcliffe's ability is <Direct Whisper>, which gives her...well, telepathy. But she can only use it on one person at a time. She's not really a talkative person, and she's not using her telepathy at us at all, except Erylle. Sometimes, the two of them will sit on the sofa together and have a blank stare. Maybe they're communicating since Erylle can read minds but...It's a little creepy.

[Heightsburg Campus – Classroom]

[12:02 Noon]

It's a hot lunchtime for everyone. The sun is shining really bright that its radiation is making all the students and teachers sweaty even if there's an AC installed in every room. It's already 12:03 in the afternoon, and almost all of the people are already buying their lunch in the cafeteria.

But some preferred to watch me as I was being treated by a beautiful lady inside our classroom.

I can feel the tension of the students watching me. I really think that I'm the apple of the eye here and right now. It's already hot, and Erylle is already making my sweat worse.

"I-It's a special cheese cake for you..."

I'm not sure if Erylle is embarrassed to give me my lunch, but there are two things that I am certain. One is like she didn't plan on doing this (Or she rushed it) and two is that she has a blushing face. But what's worse is my reaction. I'm completely lovestruck by her move. Unable to speak or react, I stood there like a frozen ice-aged man.

She's...She's really beautiful right now. The new greenish-blue ribbon I bought for her makes her a lot cuter than before. It's like her pretty charisma are overlapping my emotions right now.

This is our first time making a fuss about our relationship in public. I know that I'm not nearly ready to have a grand relationship with the girl of my dreams but...I can't think straight! All of them are watching us! I know that they are all asking "Why is Erylle hitting on that awkward guy?" and other things that would push me to the "Loser box". I can hear the whispers of our classmates, and I know that they doubt about our current relationship.

Maybe I don't deserve Erylle after all...Should I break up?

No no no no no. Who cares if everybody is against our relationship? Erylle chose me, so I should be proud. Like she always said to me, I should believe in myself. I should make a completely normal answer.

"Y-Yeah, let's go to the bathroom."


Asumi kept laughing and laughing with her hand on her stomach after our afternoon class. She looks like she's gonna throw up because of my funny and awkward line four hours ago. She should be grateful that I'm still a good friend accompanying her to her house after she mocked each and every wrong move I made with my love life.

"H-Hey, don't laugh! The humiliation I made earlier can kill me already!" I shrieked.

"I'm sorry! I can't stop! Hahahahaha!" She laughed out again. "You really sounded like a desperate molester at that time!"

"A-As I told you before, my mind was completely blank! BLANK! My thought has been topsy-turvy! And this is my first time having a love affair so it's perfectly normal to make mistakes!"

"It's not normal to ask for a rated 18+ thing on a public place, especially on lunch break! Pffft...Hahaha!"

She already got my nerves so I tried ignoring her all the way. I just noticed that she became a mocker after we both joined the Blazing Heart. But this...This is by far the worst. Now I'm planning on snubbing her for the whole week if she continues this annoying habit of hers.

"There will be a meeting in the haven this 7:30, right?" Asumi finally halted her laughter and became a lot more serious.

But I just ignored her. She might tease me again any time.

"H-Hey, I'm sorry for laughing out hard..."



I never listened to her and continued walking, leaving her behind. But then she immediately pulled my arm and dragged me behind an electric pole, like we're hiding from something.

"Ow! What the-"


Asumi silently pointed on my right. There is a man curling on the floor. He looked like in deep pain, but none of his screams can be heard.

"W-What's that, an epileptic?"

"What's an epileptic?" Asumi tilted her head. Man, I forgot that this girl is an idiot.

"N-Nothing. It doesn't seem like it..."

"That man's conscience is being eaten by an Eidolon. He just made a crime."

Come to think of it, I never saw anyone affected by an Eidolon before when I became a Gate Guardian. All we did is to prevent them from entering any man's conscience. But now this man...It's too late for him.

Suddenly, the man stood up and looked at the two of us. There's no pupil in his eyes, and there is black blood flowing from it. Is he a zombie? Anyway, my toes are shaking as of this point.

"Get ready!"

The man immediately jumped out but then Asumi took her quick action. She grabbed the right arm of the man and smashed it to the ground like a judo throw. Then she locked the man's arms on his back.

"Quick! Open a gate!" She commanded.

I swiped my hands on the empty air and a ball of light opened, ripping the dimension of this world. The ball of light made a blinding light.


"I-It can't be! There's three of them?"

I fell to my knees as I gazed through the three great shadows. One is a green triceratops-looking dinosaur standing on two feet. The other looks like a skeleton of a T-Rex that you can see in the museums. And the third is a red pterodactyl with two horns. Those three are about two stories high.

We're in a clear wasteland. The brown moon is giving me enough tension to panic.

From my assessment, they are just level 1 Eidolons. For what I know, Asumi is a Rank A- Guardian. But there are three of them. Should we fight? Or run? I'm waiting for Asumi's orders.

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