Phase 22: A Warning from a Friend

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Phase 22: A Warning from a Friend

[Black Cross Haven Entrance – Myrrh City]

[8:11 PM]

The place is just a few hundred meters from the hotel. We didn't have to hire a cab, we just walked. The moment we stood in front of the entrance, we had our eyes filled with amazement. It was a white mansion, with a small garden of lilies and a tall gate made of bricks. There's even a fountain in the center of the garden, and statues of soldiers holding shield and sword in every corner of the wall.

It is the Black Cross Legion's Haven. They had this place because they have a great number of Guardians, ranging from fifty to a hundred, Erylle said. This legion is the strongest Legion at this time, being able to defend the very wide area of Myrrh City.

We entered the garden silently. But...I never knew that we would cross paths with a certain person in this place.


Yes. It was the best friend of mine. She seems to be wearing a shrine maiden's outfit.There was a white-and red long hairpin at the back of her head. She has a black hooded jacket hanging on her right shoulder. Kinda reminds me of someone we chased not long ago...


Erylle jumped in joy and cuddled Asumi tight, and rubbed her cheek towards her, like hugging a life-size teddy bear. Asumi, being confused and surprised, failed to resist the tight hug of the blonde woman and started to suffocate. After a few seconds, Erylle finally let go of Asumi.

"Miss Fontaine... and Yohan!?" Asumi raised her voice. "Wh-what are you doing here!?"

"That's my line!" I yelled.

"He's our newest member~" Erylle interrupted. "I know you've known each other for a long time, so we don't need introductions~"

"N-Newest member?! You made him a Guardian!?"



Asumi became more confused and disoriented that she started to cry silently. Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at me. Well, I'm quite shocked too. The contest for the Myrrh City's most shocked face is here!

Erylle held her waist and made a doubtful face.

"He's a fine Guardian. He can project gates easily and he's compatible with Light Energy."

"That's not the point... I was ordered by Void Wolf to protect him from Eidolons and keep him away from Transfield..."

Erylle began sweating like she's afraid of someone but she managed to give a forced smile while hiding her shocked face. A new challenger in the "Shocked-face" contest appears!

"V-Void Wolf?...Well, what's done is done, right?...Yohan is just a support type Guardian, so he wouldn't be fighting in the front. A-And he's with me, I'll protect him."

I suddenly felt the urge to jump into their conversation and looked at each other suspiciously. I seriously don't know what to react or what to say or what to ask...

"Um...I'm the topic but I don't understand anything..."


Let me break this down really quick.

On my first date with Erylle, we had a stalker-chase, right? Erylle left me in the alley to chase the hooded stalker. She happened to catch her and unveiled that mysterious person, and it was Asumi. She happens to be a Guardian too, given that she has supreme abilities to jump and run quickly without getting exhausted. Asumi asked Erylle to keep her identity a secret, especially for me.

Since then, Erylle has been convincing her to join the Legion. Asumi rejected Erylle's offer, so Erylle made this plan for me to meet her in the Black Cross Mansion. Erylle sure is a cunning woman...

Asumi's clan, the Kozukata Clan, is a family of Gate Guardians, serving the High Guardians. Her brother, and also Erylle's past lover, Atlas Kozukata, died in a battle two years ago. That explains his mysterious sudden disappearance.

Asumi was stalking me for the sake of my safety, for six months. He told me that a High Guardian, Void Wolf, asked her to protect me against Eidolons. In addition, I should never learn the existence of Transfield in the first place.

She failed to follow me two months ago, when I first encountered an Eidolon. She just screwed up her whole mission at that time. Well, given how clumsy she is, she will never complete any job, alone. She's still dependent to other people. She may not admit it, but she's fragile.


We finished the chit-chat part after twenty minutes. Right now, the mansion is closed. Asumi told us to return back tomorrow and earlier so that we can meet the other Legions. When we prepared ourselves to leave, Asumi warned me again with her soft voice.

"Being a Guardian is not a game, Yohan. All Guardians die from battle in Transfield. That our only destiny that no one can avoid... Is it for Erylle again? Don't do this too far."


"...I'm sure of being a Guardian. It's not only for Erylle... It's for me. I've been useless for all my life, and now I know what I can do to be useful...." I smiled at her with a hint of confidence.

Asumi suddenly chuckled. Erylle smiled. So it's my turn to smile, right?

"Miss Fontaine... I'm going to ask you a favor..." Asumi bowed down on her knees.

"What is it~"

"M-May I join your Legion?"

Upon hearing this, Erylle jumped out and hugged Asumi again, rubbing her cheek to her. She even cried and said "Welcome to the Blazing Heart!~" many times until Asumi suffocated again and almost passed out.

Erylle finally succeeded in recruiting Asumi. I can clearly see her joy for having her in the Legion.


Because Asumi is now part of our Legion and she doesn't have any place to stay in, she will sleep with us in the hotel. That is a bit of a problem because there are only four beds reserved for our group. That means one of the males will sleep on the couch. That's me! When we came back in the hotel, Heushac and Mia are already asleep on their rooms so we can't do a raffle. I never ran out of unluckiness, right?

Erylle prepared the couch for me to sleep and I started switching my apparels to a pajama. Then she started to laugh.

"You're too skinny~"

My face became red as she said those words, and it remained the rest of the evening. I just can't talk to her whenever she teases me.

When she finished preparing my couch, she sat on it and stared at me, watching every movement I do. Then she spoke out of nowhere.

"Don't worry about what Asumi told you. You'll be fine. I'll...I'll protect you."

Right now, my heart raced faster than ever. It lasted for four hours that even we already have lights-out and all are already asleep, I'm wide awake. Even if I'm already lying on my bed, I can't rest.

I felt something bulky on the couch. It was the blue ribbon I bought earlier, shining with the reflection of the moon from the windows. As I stare on it, I realized something. This ribbon is like Erylle. It gives beauty to people. Erylle is here to get rid of my ugly old self.

I went into Erylle's room. Her beauty shines even if it's pitch dark. She's adorable when she sleeps. I smiled unconsciously.

I left the ribbon beside her pillow. I hope she likes it.

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