Chapter 2

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Mark's POV

*One Week Later*

Today was the day I picked up everyone from the airport. Now, don't get me wrong, I couldn't wait to see them, but I also had to explain what the collab we were doing was. I wasn't sure how they'd take the news that I wanted all of us to foster a child in pairs for a month.

The first plane that was supposed to get here was Dan and Phil's, but it got delayed. Now, Jack's was supposed to be here first, so I walked to where his plane would be unloading. The plane was outside, but they weren't getting off yet. I decided to answer YouTube comments while I waited for him.

When I glanced up from my phone, I noticed people had been getting off the plane for a while. I started looking around for Jack, when all of the sudden, someone pushed my back, and they pushed hard. I almost fell over, but caught my balance right before I did. I whipped my head around to see someone sprinting away through the airport.

Then, I noticed the green hair on his head.

I broke into a dead sprint chasing Jack to the baggage claim. I started to catch up when I heard him scream, "SPEEEED IS KEEEEY!"

Before he had time to speed up, I tackled him to the ground. He was laying underneath me with a huge grin on his face. I smiled back at him, mumbled a quick, "Hey," then started blushing when I noticed the position we were in, along with the weird looks we were getting from people. Before I had the chance to roll off of Jack, I heard a Swedish accent behind us screech, "SEPTIPLIER AWAY!"

Well, at least I know I can always count on Felix to make situations more awkward.

I rolled off of Jack, who was blushing like crazy, and glared at Felix. I noticed Cry standing behind him. Cry put his finger up to his lips, indicating me to be quiet. I helped Jack up, and just as I did so, Cry yelled, "Sup Felix!" directly into Felix's ear.

Felix made some sort of weird, inhuman noise, and that only made me laugh harder. Cry was on the ground clutching his stomach in hysterical laughter, and Jack was giggling while fumbling with his phone, trying to get a picture of Felix's priceless face. He was completely frozen in shock.

More and more people started giving us weird glances, but I chose to ignore them.

That was when I heard a voice screech, "GUYS? RUN! THE PHANDOM'S COMING!!!"

All four of us stopped laughing immediately and looked up. Dan and Phil were racing across the room, straight at us. Umm, what did they mean by the phandom–

Just as I was thinking that, at least twenty girls dashed around the corner. They were all chasing Dan and Phil, and let's just say, they had very different emotions written across their faces. Phil looked hyped and excited to see all of us, while Dan looked scared out of his mind, and I swear he was mentally screaming at me to get the insane phangirls to stop chasing them.

But I think we just made it worse.

The second the phangirls' eyes moved from the back of Dan and Phil's heads to the four of us trying to get up, they all let out a loud noise that sounded kinda like a whale.

The four of us sprung up and tore across the airport alongside Dan and Phil. Eventually, we ran past a security guard. He stood in the way of the phangirls, telling them to stop chasing us. Like that's gonna stop them I thought to myself. Just as I suspected, the phangirls bulldozed through the security guard and continued to chase us. I saw the security guard say something into his walkie-talkie, just as we were approaching the escalators. We all started sprinting down them.

Then Dan tripped.

Phil erupted into laughter as two security guards stood at the end of the escalator, waiting for Dan's body to come to the bottom. While the two security guards lifted Dan off the escalator, the phangirls stood at the top, probably considering if chasing us was worth getting tackled to the ground by security guards.

They all turned around and started to head back to wherever they came from. Except for one. One of the phanboys stood at the top of the escalator with a smirk on his face. He was staring right at me. I tilted my head a bit, still looking at him when his eyes started to turn black. I blinked, and he was gone.

"Whatcha lookin' at Mark?" an Irish accent asked behind me. I turned around to face Jack, who was wearing a very concerned look on his face. Had he not seen the boy? Maybe the boy wasn't even there in the first place. I decided not to worry the others about something that was probably just my imagination.

"Nothing," I responded, pulling a fake smile.


I wrote this chapter at 5 am and i fEeL fRigGiN zAZzEd


What am I doing with my life :3



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