Chapter 97

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Jack's POV

With Anti still controlling my body, we made it down to some sort of dungeon area. I recognized Cry and Felix, and Anti briefly explained that the other two people were Ethan and Tyler, two of Mark's good friends.

Anti had explained that Mark couldn't remember much. He apparently was suffering from memory loss or something, but would be back to normal soon. Anti and Dark were relying on me to slowly help bring his memories back so that our main focus could be on escaping. Mark also knew a lot about Katherine's world and had some very vital information that we'd need to use to escape the orphanage.

Anti ran over to Felix and Cry, but before we had the chance to do anything, a sharp pain struck the side of my head. I felt myself regain control of my body just in time to hit the concrete floor.


"Yes, and make sure that possessed man gets thrown in. I will not be dealing with that here."

Wake up, she's talking about you.

I groaned as I heard Anti's voice in my head. I opened my eyes to find several people wearing lab coats surrounding me.

I jumped to my feet, not sure if I was dreaming or if these people were working for the voice. "Umm, hello," I commented, waving awkwardly.

I could practically feel Anti facepalming. You idiot they're gonna try to kill you!

That tensed me up a bit. I scanned the room, searching for an escape, and saw Reagan's unconscious body being pushed around on a table by a few other scientists. As I stared at her, I heard something that sounded like a lightsaber from Star Wars behind me. I turned around just enough to see a portal-like thing beaming on a wall.

Mark was being thrown through it.

My eyes widened and before I knew what I was doing, I was running toward Reagan. Anti started laughing as I pushed one scientist to the ground and punched another hard enough to get him to stumble backward.

I scooped Reagan up off the table and started running to the portal. Right before I jumped through, I heard the voice yell, "Stop him! Shut off the rift!"

As I approached the 'rift', I felt a couple sets of strong hands wrap around my arms and sides. I threw Reagan through the portal, hoping that she'd land on Mark or someone else on the other side.

An alarm went off as she went through, and a boy who looked about Reagan's age ran past me and leaped through the portal with her.

I tried to wiggle my way out of the scientists' grasp, but couldn't move. A woman appeared in front of me, smiling evilly. She grabbed my face in one of her hands and brought a gun up to my forehead with the other.

"Goodbye, Seán. I hope you enjoyed your stay."

A gunshot.

A demon faintly yelling something in my head.

A white light.

Kyle's POV

I caught Reagan before she hit the ground and I landed hard on clean concrete. Reagan rolled out of my arms and started to wake up. I turned around in time to see the gateway to the orphanage shut off, leaving a shiny concrete wall.

I stared at the wall for a second in silence before I heard Dan mumble, "That's it?"

"What's it?" I asked, standing up.

He stared at me for a second before asking, "Who are you?"

I smiled widely. "My name's Kyle. I'm the sword Mark found. Now, what were you saying about 'that's it'?"

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