Chapter 87

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Mark's POV

I stared at Anti. "You and Dark will be able to possess mine and Jack's bodies?"

He nodded. "I can only possess Jack and Dark can only possess you. We'll be able to talk to you in your head and you can reply by thinking back a response. It's also possible that while Dark and I possess you guys, some of our demon powers—like flying, for example—will transfer through."

I continued to stare at him blankly. "Anti, I don't know any exorcists. What if something goes wrong?"

Anti laughed, "What could go wrong? The two of you would be in mine and Dark's hands!"

I mumbled a quick, "That's what I'm afraid of," to myself.

Anti didn't hear. He patted me on the shoulder and opened the door to the room. "I'm going to explain everything I just told you to Jack. Come in when you're ready. There's some other stuff I need to talk to you about."

I nodded and briefly peered around the room before the door closed. Cry's hood had been pulled off and he was nurturing a red handprint on his left cheek. Felix and Percy were talking to him about something that seemed important, as both of their faces held stern looks. Thomas, Logan, PJ, Dan, and Phil were having a conversation near the corner across from the door. Anti had been making his way toward Dark and Jack, who were excitedly playing with Chica.

Once the door shut, I sat down on the wall across from it. I tried to think back and remember everything that had happened in that other world.

I stopped after remembering that Kyle had told me that Anti knew about what was happening in the human world and had brought me here to slow down whatever process was occurring.

I tried to make a list of priorities.

Jack and I had to find Dan, Phil, Nate, and Jason, assuming they had all managed to stick together. If Dan and Phil hadn't already, we had to find Felix, Cry, Percy, Kyle, Ethan, and Tyler in the orphanage. We also needed to get to Reagan and explain everything about Robert so that she could try to get him back to reality.

I paused after thinking about that. Hadn't Reagan hit Robert with a laptop? Didn't she say she knocked him unconscious?

Robert should have already woken up.

That left three options: Reagan had been lying about hitting Robert, everyone else had been lying about a simple slap being enough to wake someone up, or we had to do something specific to each person to wake them up.

I groaned. It was going to take more effort than just slapping everyone we saw if either of the last two options were true. I had a nagging feeling that it had to be one of the last two, as Reagan had no reason to lie about hitting someone.

I sighed and stood up. I pushed away the thought and went back to my priority list.

I had to find Dan and Phil first. We had to start getting our group back together.

I walked to the door and opened it. Once I was standing in the doorway, the room went silent.

"What?" I asked.

"You're going to allow Dark to possess you?" Thomas inquired.

"Yeah?" I replied. "Anti and I already went over this."

Anti smiled while Phil responded, "As long as you're aware and he doesn't do anything without permission–"

"Why would I do anything without permission?" Dark asked before quickly turning to face Phil. "And what would I do without permission?"

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