Chapter 69

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Mark's POV

"How the hell are we supposed to get Cry away from himself?" Dan asked doubtfully.

"We need to convince him that he's under someone's control," I explained. "We have to separate the part of him that's being controlled from the part that's still sane."

"How are we supposed to do that?!" Thomas yelled as Cry took another step toward us.

"Hey, Cry!" Logan shouted. "You're under someone's control and we can prove it!"

Cry stopped walking. "I'm not under anyone's control. Neither was your stupid dog. Now, if you're done stalling, I'd like to get this over with quickly. I've got an execution to see."

"If you're not under someone's control, why is your skin turning blue?" Jack replied.

Cry briefly moved his head to glance down, but looked back up immediately. "I'm wearing a robe. All of my skin is covered. How would you know something like that?"

"When you walk, your robe rises. Whoever designed this should've thought it through a bit more," I answered.

"Who watches someone's legs while they're walking toward you threateningly?!" Cry shouted, only, it wasn't Cry's voice.

I exchanged a quick glance with Jack. He smirked. "I'm starting to lean more towards the idea that you're being possessed more than you being controlled."

Cry shook his head. "I'm not being possessed or controlled."

"Then why's your skin blue? That isn't normal,"  Phil commented.

Cry stood in silence with his fists clenched at his sides. Edgar and Maya stood on either side of him in attack positions. Chica sat near the door looking utterly confused.

After a few moments, Cry's breathing quickened. He started hyperventilating before collapsing onto the floor. A stream of foam escaped from his hood. Edgar and Maya looked at him and sat down.

I didn't miss a beat. I sprinted over to him, ignoring everyone's warnings. I even managed to ignore Jack reaching for my arm. I ran toward Cry, slid on my knees, and rolled him onto his side.

"Shit, Cry!" I shouted as I tried to hold his head up.

The foam stream abruptly stopped. I sighed and looked back to Jack and everyone else. "I think he's okay."

Cry shot upright and placed his thumb on my forehead. "Try again."

As an excruciating pain shot into my head and passed though my body, I let out a pathetic scream. I watched as everyone's eyes went wide and Jack yelled something I couldn't quite hear before I collapsed onto my side.

I clutched the rug in my hands, but quickly lost all feeling in my body. I felt my eyes roll back as my eyelids closed.


I groaned. There was an agonizing pain in my head, but I couldn't quite place why. I put my hand up to my forehead and opened my eyes.

I was laying in a grass field under a large tree. The sky was a pleasant blue and the sun was directly above me. I sat up and leaned against the tree, taking in my surroundings.

There was an old house on the other side of the field. A few kids ran amongst themselves in the field, and there was a picnic basket a few yards away from where I sat.

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