Chapter 95

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Mark's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself laying on the floor in a dark room. I felt something wrapped tightly around my head. I still had the urge to throw up and heard a quiet ringing in my ears.

I ignored the pain in my head and sat up to look around the room. Through the darkness, I could see what looked like five people laying on the floor and one laying on a bed. Other than the guy sleeping next to me, they all seemed too small to be adults.

I groaned as I pushed myself off the ground and stood up. I tapped the side of my head, grunting as I did so, and whispered, "Dark? You told me you were in my head, so where are you?"

After several seconds of not receiving a response, I made my way to one of the walls. My eyes had adjusted well enough to the point that I could make out two doors. One of them was considerably smaller and seemed older, while the other looked like a normal door as far as I could tell.

I walked over to the door that seemed normal and put my hand on the doorknob. I started to turn it but froze when I heard a conversation outside.

"You know, it really doesn't make any sense that the voice wouldn't want to kill us."

It was a guy with a British accent. I couldn't place where I'd heard it from, but I knew it sounded familiar.

"What doesn't make sense? Just like Percy said, she probably just doesn't want to make a big deal out of this."

"Yeah, but why else would we have gotten locked in here? She clearly wants something, so why wouldn't she kill us? Dan, she needs something from us. I'm willing to bet that that's the only reason we're still alive."


Please tell me you remember Dan and aren't going to make me explain who the hell he is.

"Dark!" I cheered, forgetting I was in a room with a bunch of sleeping people. "I thought–"

Shut up! You don't have to talk to me, you just have to think at me!

You could have mentioned that–

"Mark?" Dan slowly asked.

I turned the doorknob and swung the door open to find Dan and Phil staring at me in complete and utter shock.

Dark, how am I remembering people as I see them?

Not sure. It might be because you have really vivid memories with them. I mean, you aren't experiencing total memory loss, it should be closer to severe amnesia.

After a few seconds of Dan and Phil staring at me, smiles covered their faces. "Mark!" Dan repeated before jumping and punching the air excitedly.

I smiled back at them. "What happened? How did you two find me?"

"Kind of a long story," Phil started, "but you seem to be in a really good mood."

"Uh, yeah?" My smile faltered slightly. "I might have a concussion, but I can still be happy, you know."

Dan and Phil exchanged a quick glance before Dan asked, "How much do you remember from before you got hit in the back of the head?"

I shrugged. "Not much. I didn't remember either of you until I heard you guys talking and saw you." I paused to examine their worried faces. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Well..." Dan trailed off.

"Okay, listen before you react," Phil took over. "The voice took Jack. He might be dead, but we don't know for sure. We have a theory that the voice doesn't want any of us to die, so she took him to keep him alive!"

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