Chapter 21

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Dan's POV

"He thinks I'm the one who tortured him."

Nate's eyes widened. He sprinted up the stairs and gave me a giant hug. He sat down next to me and let me cry into his shoulder.

"I HATE YOU!" Phil screamed from behind the door as he kicked it again, causing me to cry even harder.

Reagan stormed up the stairs. "Listen here, you inconsiderate dork! Dan–"

"IS A TOTAL BITCH!" Phil shouted.

"AND WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU THAT?!" Felix yelled as he walked up the stairs.

"No one had to tell me anything! I've always known! I felt bad for you because no one liked you! Not even Nate you gullible asshat!" Phil screamed back.

I hugged Nate tighter, bringing his head next to my heart.

Nate pulled away and looked me in the eye as he declared, "Phil's right. I don't like Dan."

Well thanks.

"I FUCKING LOVE HIM!" Nate screamed as he kicked the door as hard as he could.

I heard Phil gasp, probably because he had been the one kicking the door, not us.

I heard Mark whisper to Reagan, "What do you think happened to Phil?"

Reagan glared at Mark as if he was the dumbest person on Earth. "Nate's memories were taken. Phil's have been modified."

"What do you mean?" I asked, tears still running down my cheeks.

"I mean the voice stole Nate's memories, leaving him with nothing. However, we got them to return. This proved that the voice needed to up its game. Thus, not only did it extract Phil's memories, but it changed them and put them back," Reagan explained.

"So he remembers everything that we've done?" I asked a bit confused.

"Kind of. Let me think of an example." Reagan paused as she thought, but started explaining after a few seconds, "Instead of remembering being happy when meeting you in person, he might remember being disappointed because you weren't what he was expecting."

"Reagan!" Mark started, a bit shocked that she had said that. "Phil was thrilled to meet Dan in person!"

Reagan sighed, "That's exactly the kind of thing that would have been changed."

It terrified me to think that Phil hadn't been enjoying my company all those years. I had to continuously remind myself that he wasn't telling the truth every time he kicked the door and screamed at me.

"Are we opening the door or what?" Jason asked.

Mark looked at me, probably wanting to go with what I said. I sighed, "Well...maybe we could wait for him to fall asleep?"

"Good idea," Nate whispered to me.

"Thanks," I whispered back.

"Does that mean we're taking shifts sleeping until Phil falls asleep?" Reagan whispered to our group.

Mark smiled at Reagan. "You're sleeping. No complaining."

Reagan rolled her eyes before deciding, "I guess one plus side of inclusive dreams in that you have an excuse to sleep twenty-four seven."

"Wait, since when do you have inclusive dreams?" Cry asked.

"Since I had one with Mark the day you guys came to adopt us," Reagan answered as if it wasn't a big deal.

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