Chapter 30

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Mark's POV

Anti and I left the bathroom and began making our way through the building. It was kind of difficult to see through the sunglasses he made me wear, but I was managing not to crash into anyone.

"Alright," Anti whispered, "when we get to Phil, you let me do the talking, got it?"

"Sure, why?" I responded.

"Because you may know Phil, but you sure as hell don't know his demonic side."

We continued making our way through the building in silence as I thought about what Dan and Phil's evil sides would be like, as well as my own. From what I'd heard thus far, I just imagined Dark as myself, but sassier and more of a jerk.

I mean, that was basically all that happened with Anti, wasn't it?

Anti and I finally reached the exit after about ten minutes of walking. Let me tell you, the Underworld was definitely something to behold.

The sky, instead of being blue, was a beautiful mixture of orange, red, and yellow. Dotting the sky were silhouettes of demons gracefully flying without a care in the world. All of the buildings were black with rigid, cave-like ceilings.

On the ground, it was just like the human world. Demons were rushing from place to place. They were all wearing different clothes and had diverse personalities. Most had weapons and dyed hair, but all the weapons were different and their hair were multitudes of color.

To say the least, it wasn't what I expected hell to look like.

A few kids raced past Anti and me, though I seemed to be the only person paying them any attention. When they saw me turn to watch them, they jogged back over. "Hi!" one of them cheered as she shook my hand.

"Hey there!" I greeted, smiling.

The girl smiled back before she walked away with her friends.

"Idiot," Anti mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"She took your wallet, Mark."

I felt my pockets, and sure enough, there was nothing there except my phone that didn't work. "Damn," I muttered.

"It's no biggie," Anti decided as he pulled my wallet out of his back pocket.


"I snatched it from the kid without her noticing. You're welcome," he declared as he tossed it to me.

"Thanks," I murmured as I stuffed it in my pocket.

"Alright, now we go to the house," Anti mumbled to himself.

"I thought we were going to Phil's house?" I asked, confused.

"Isn't that what I said?" Anti asked after a short pause.

"No," I returned, "you said 'the house' not 'Phil's house'."

"Did not!" Anti whined.

I sighed, "Whatever, let's go to the house."


After we had been walking for several minutes, Anti spoke again, "By the way, make sure you don't run into Dark when we get here."

"Wouldn't he help us? You're helping me," I stated.

"Dark isn't as," he paused as if to find the right words, "understanding as I am."

"So what'll he do if he finds me?" I asked.

"He'll do one of two things that are both awful. The first is him torturing you to death. The second is him turning you in to the police. He could get away with either because you're human, not to mention you're his other half and he naturally has a desire to murder you."

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