Chapter 85

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Mark's POV

I burst through the door with my small army of squirrels standing behind me. The squirrel on my shoulder quickly leaped off and scurried back outside before the door closed. I ran into the room to find Katherine standing over Cry threateningly.

I looked around and saw Sam and Tim trying to sit up as small pools of blood began forming around them. They were both muttering things to themselves that I couldn't quite hear.

Felix was laying against a wall with his eyes closed while Robert was shaking him furiously, trying to get him to wake up, I assumed. Tyler was laying next to the fireplace facing away from me. There was a large gash across his back that was pouring out blood while he grunted and coughed, not making an attempt at sitting or standing up.

Cry only had a few scratches on his hands and forearms. He had two rings on his right hand which both had spikes on them. I guessed that those were some of the weapons Kyle had given to him.


I looked around the room again and didn't see any sign of my sword. Nor did I see the blue-haired boy who convinced me to come here in the first place.

Katherine was bleeding from a few spots around her neck and legs, but didn't seem bothered by it. She had an evil smirk playing on her lips as she held her blade up to Cry's throat.

"Hey, asshole!" I shouted, getting everyone's attention.

Katherine turned her head to look at me, but didn't move her blade away from Cry. "Oh! The hero has finally returned!" she exclaimed sarcastically.

I got ready to reply, but saw Robert waving his arms around behind Katherine, trying to get my attention. Katherine began rambling on about whatever the Restart was while I followed his arms to the couch that had been flipped and thrown across the room.

I stared at it for a second before sending Robert a confused glance. He gestured to something behind the couch.

I squinted my eyes at the couch again while Katherine made broad hand gestures, emphasizing how awful the Restart would be. After not seeing anything, I got ready to look back to Katherine to start paying attention to what she was saying, but before I had the chance, I noticed a bit of blue hair sticking up over the top of the couch.

I smirked and looked back to Katherine, beginning to listen to what she had to say. "...which is why I disguised myself as Jack and not a family member for the last level."

Before I had the chance to say anything, Cry yelled, "Mark, ignore her! She has to be lying!"

Umm, what?

Sam was sitting now and had her hand covering her mouth with wide eyes. Tim was staring at me with a fearful look on his face.

"Uh, Cry," I started, "ignoring her won't be a problem because I genuinely have no idea what she just said."

Tim sprung off the ground, wincing as he did so, and ran over to me. He crossed his arms and stared at Katherine. "Yeah, sorry, but we don't speak 'insane creep'."

"Believe what you want, but it'll occur in two–"

"No one gives a shit, Katherine," Cry stated from his place at the end of her blade. "Quite frankly, you'd already be dead if we were worried."

"Speaking of us killing Katherine," Sam started, ignoring Katherine's cocky facial expression, "Mark, what did you go get?"

In my peripheral vision, I saw Ethan silently sneak around the couch. He was holding Kyle in his hands and seemed like he was getting ready to throw him.

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