Chapter 66

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Anti's POV

Dark and I stood with Felix clinging unto us sobbing for around five minutes. Felix was holding onto us so tightly I thought he would end up blocking my breathing.

However, he soon released his grip and wiped his eyes with a smile on his face. Dark seemed pleased with himself for deciding to force the three of us to hug. I, on the other hand, was a bit more worried about everyone else.

"I'm glad that we cleared all of that up, and don't think that I'm not gonna punch your dad the next time I see him, but shouldn't we be a little more concerned about Mark, Jack, and everyone else down in the dungeon?" I inquired.

Felix's slightly swollen eyes widened. "We need to go help them. Last I heard, Cry was going down there to deal with them."

Felix and I began rushing back to the staircase, but Dark stopped us. "I've got a better plan."

I stared at him. "You've got a plan?"

He looked offended. "And what's so weird about that?! It was my idea to come here-"

"Ya know what, forget I mentioned it. What's the plan?"

"I think we should try to find Percy."

I exchanged glances with Felix. "So we're just leaving everyone else down in the dungeon? They could die!"

"Percy will die unless we do something." He noticed my hesitation and added, "We have to trust that they can handle themselves. I mean, it's three demons and three humans against Cry. They should be fine."

I nodded slowly before looking at Felix. "You said just a bit ago that your dad ordered Percy to be moved somewhere else. Do you know where?"

"The courtyard," he answered before muttering, "I said that the first time, but whatever."

"What's the quickest way to the courtyard?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Shouldn't you know that?" He chuckled. "I mean, you two lived here for nineteen years."

"We never tried to interrupt an execution in those nineteen years," Dark replied.

"I don't think there was an execution in those nineteen years," I added.

Felix nodded. "I'm not sure, but it definitely wasn't publicized if there was one. The courtyard's this way!"

Felix swiveled around and ran off in the direction he entered from. Dark and I followed closely behind, hoping that if a guard saw us, they would also see Felix and shrug it off.

We sprinted down a hallway, the very hallway my old room was in. I ignored the thousands of memories from my childhood storming my mind. I felt my eyes begin to tear up, and I cluelessly wondered why I was getting so emotional.

Deciding to blame nostalgia, I blinked back the tears and continued chasing after Felix. We made a right turn, then stopped for a moment in front of a door.

"A staircase?" Dark asked, taking deep breaths.

"Yeah, the courtyard's down on the first floor," Felix replied.

"I know that, but why are we taking the stairs? You have a plan for getting Percy out?"

Felix nodded. "As much as I'd love to simply dive out the window and let my wings carry me, I've been locked in my room for some time now. My appearance is going to throw off any guard or knight we see."

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