Chapter 7

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Mark's POV

I couldn't react. I was frozen on the spot. Reagan was a real person. That was when I realized who Percy was.

Percy was the dead boy from my dream.

I was staring at the picture of Reagan on the screen. She was smiling away at a laptop in front of her. Percy was sitting to her right, watching whatever she was watching and laughing along. To her left, Nate and Jason were messing around, laughing as they pushed each other.

Jack elbowed me. I looked over at him and he looked outright confused. "She looks just like you," I whispered, hoping he remembered what I said earlier and catch on.

His eyes widened instantly. Well, I guess he got my point. He turned back to Ms. Higgins and the older lady. "So, that's Reagan?" he asked, trying not to sound worried.

"Yup, this is her!" the older woman replied happily.

Jack spoke again, "Uh, can we talk outside real quick?"

The older lady glanced over at Ms. Higgins. "I don't see why not."

"Thanks," Jack mumbled as he got up, grabbing me by the hand and walking me outside. Felix gave us a questioning look, probably wondering why we couldn't just talk about it in here.

Once we closed the door behind us, Jack started asking questions, "Was that the girl from your dream?! How the hell could that have happened! You'd never seen her before in your life!"

"I know," I responded quickly, "I have no idea how my brain could've thought that up, but shouldn't we be more focused on the fact that she died in my dream! Not to mention Percy looks identical to the dead boy!"

"Those kids could be in serious danger," Jack said, almost inaudibly.

"I know," I whispered back.

"We could help them this time, right?"

"I'm not sure..." I let my voice trail off.

"Well, we won't know unless we try. So, are you up for this?"

I looked at the ground, trying to decide what to say next. Was I up for this? I don't remember thinking up a response, I only remember the words pouring out, "As long as you're the one helping me, I should be fine, right?"

A light tint of pink spread across my cheeks. What the heck did I just say? I felt a bit reassured when I noticed Jack's bright red face. At least I wasn't the only one uncomfortable.

"Umm, right," Jack replied, smiling through his blush. "So, we're going to foster her anyway?"

"I think we're fostering her because of the dream," I mumbled.


We walked back inside to see everyone messing around on their phones. Ms. Higgins and the older women weren't in the room. Once we walked in, everyone turned to look at us.

"What was that all about?" Felix asked, looking at us suspiciously.

"Where'd they go?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"They went to get the kids, now answer the question," Dan demanded. He looked worried. Nice to know ya care I guess.

I had to explain this eventually, so why not now?


"English please."

I sighed. My genius plan is failing dammit.

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