Chapter 4

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Mark's POV

The room had bright red walls, along with square tiles on the floor. I'm not sure why, but I refused to move. I just had a feeling something bad would happen if I did. I looked around the room.

There was someone else in here with me. It looked like a girl, thirteen or fourteen years old. She had her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was looking frantically around the room but stopped when she saw me.

That was when I noticed the rope tied around her neck. It led up into the abyss that was where a ceiling should have been.

I wanted to move toward her. To help her out of the rope.

But she didn't seem to notice it.

She smiled at me. Her smile reminded me of someone, though I wasn't sure who.

"Hey!" she called out, waving at me.

"Umm, hi?" I replied, not really knowing what to say.

"My name's Reagan!" She paused as if examining my face. "You look a lot like Markiplier..."

I pointed to the rope around her neck, ignoring that last comment. "Uh, Reagan? Are you aware of the fact that there's a rope tied around your neck?"

"Wait, what?!" she screeched, as she looked down at her neck. All color drained from her face. She gripped the rope with both hands and tugged on it, but to no avail.

"Hold on, let me help you." I started to step off my tile, but once my foot left the tile I was standing on, all the other tiles turned yellow.

The only tiles that were still black were the one I was standing on, and the one Reagan was standing on. We locked eyes, and for the first time, I truly appreciated her eyes. They were bright blue. The kind of eyes you would get lost in.

Just like Jack's.

She looked just like him. Bright blue eyes, the beautiful smile that was now replaced by a look of total fear. Not to mention her hair color was the same as Jack's natural hair.

Now I really felt the need to help her.

"Hold on!" I yelled, making sure she could hear me. She nodded her head, unable to speak. I stepped off my tile and planted my right foot on the nearest yellow tile.

Big mistake.

The second my foot landed on the tile, all life drained from Reagan's eyes as she was pulled into the abyss above me. The last I saw of her gorgeous blue eyes, they were filled with fear and death. I didn't even know her, yet I still felt like breaking down in tears.

Before I had a chance to even feel sad, a body shot down from the abyss. It was a boy this time. He, like Reagan, looked to be about thirteen years old.

The only difference: this boy was already dead.

A rope was tied around his neck, and dried blood covered his hair and body. The poor boy wasn't breathing. Once he was lowered to the ground completely, the yellow tiles turned black again.

The boy's eyes were still open. I could see the fear in his eyes. His green eyes. I couldn't stop staring at them.

Then, his eyes moved and focused on mine.

I jolted upright in my bed screaming at the top of my lungs.

I started hyperventilating. I'd never had a dream so realistic in my life. The dead boy's eyes moving to mine kept replaying itself in my mind. It just wouldn't stop! I started screaming again, holding my head in my hands. I rocked back and forth on my bed. It seemed too real to be a dream.

My door burst open and a very sleepy Jack ran over to me. He stood next to my bed.

"Hey! Mark? Are you okay? Mark!"

I couldn't respond, I just felt like screaming until I died. Jack put his hand under my chin and lifted my head up. I stared into his blue eyes, but instead of helping, it just made me worse. Reagan's blue eyes. That was all I could think about. I started visibly shaking.

Jack sat down on the bed next to me. "Mark, you have to stop crying. People are still trying to sleep ya know."

I hadn't even noticed the tears streaming down my face until he said that. "I-I can't," I choked out.

"Yeah, you can."

That was all he said, yet it spoke a thousand words. Jack side hugged me. He let me cry into his chest. I was being such a baby and I really hated it. Jack was full on hugging me now, and we just stayed there for a while.

Then, I feel back asleep, in Jack's arms, and had the best sleep of my life.

Reagan's POV (bet you weren't expecting this)

I woke up with a start. I sat upright in my bed at the orphanage. Did I just dream about Markiplier watching me die? I looked over at my clock, which read 7:30 am–wait, WHAT? School starts in half an hour! I started frantically preparing myself for hell-I mean, school. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, my Flash hoodie, and my black converse.

I slung my backpack over one shoulder as I raced out of my dorm. I looked down the hallway and saw Percy and Nathan walking toward me. I ran over to them.

"Reagan, please tell me you practiced your lines for the play and didn't watch YouTube until 3 am?" Nate asked me.

"I already have it memorized! We practiced it yesterday, remember!" I laughed as I finished my sentence.

Percy started laughing too. He then high-fived me. "Is it normal to be this excited for a play?"

As we started walking to school, Nate reminded us, "This isn't just a play."

Percy and Nate were my best friends at the orphanage. We were all thirteen, and it was currently November. Our Christmas Play was in a month. Every year we completely wing it. We were just assigned our parts Monday.

Percy and I were given our lines on Tuesday. Today was Thursday. Nate was one of the main roles and he absolutely hated it. He didn't try out for the role (then again none of us did) but in his case, it really wasn't fair. That's why we, along with our friend Jason, plan to purposely ruin the show. That way, when we mess up our lines, we won't be on stage stuttering, we'll be on stage belting out fnaf the musical.

We got the whole cast in on it. Parkour will be playing the piano. Nathan is playing Mark, Percy is Freddy, Emma is Chica, Jason is Bonnie, I get to play Natewantstobattle! Justin is phone guy, Grant is purple guy, and Isaac is Springtrap.

This was gonna be the best play this school had ever seen!


All I could think while writing this chapter was "Don't let your dreams, be dreams!"

Send help

Also, I have a teacher this year who roasts a student every class period and IT'S THE BEST THING! She just out of nowhere DESTROYS a student and it's freaking amazing!


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