Chapter 80

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Mark's POV

I screamed as I plummeted off the cliff. As I braced myself to crash into the sharp rocks that were still covered in Dan's blood, I remembered what Reagan had told me.

She had said that Katherine's office was on the far away island. If I was supposed to get to that island after falling off the cliff, then I couldn't die from the fall.

That thought didn't do much to help me cope with the fact that for some reason, an ocean itself sounded horrible. I quickly moved my body so that I would hit the water feet first and covered my mouth and nose with a hand. I pulled the sword out of my belt loop and threw it as far away from myself as I could. I wasn't taking any chances with that thing slicing my leg off once I hit the water. I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath

I slammed into the water at full force and let out a small whimper. The bottoms of my feet felt like someone had raked burning coals against them. 

I then opened my eyes under water after comprehending that I hadn't hit any rocks. Surprisingly, the salt water didn't hurt or affect my eyes. I looked up and saw that there were no rocks anywhere around me. 

I swam up to the surface and took a deep breath before scanning the area around me. The only thing I could see was the island Reagan had pointed out. Even the cliff had disappeared, and I didn't see any sign of Felix or anyone else.

I sighed and looked downward. There was a glint under the water several meters away from where I was. Assuming it was my sword, I dove under the water and began swimming to it. 

As I got closer to it, I saw the shape of it more clearly. I smiled after I confirmed that it was my sword. However, my smile didn't last very long.

Once I was a few feet away from the sword, it was ripped away. I immediately bolted for the surface. Something was in the water with me.

I gasped for air at the surface and looked around. The closest thing to where I was was the island I could barely see. I started swimming for it as quickly as I could, leaving that sword with whatever creature had found it.

As I was darting away from where the sword had been, I turned around to make sure nothing was following after me. Unfortunately, there was a fin sticking out of the water, and it was gaining on me fast.

I yelled before mentally groaning, There couldn't have been a mermaid chasing after me! No! It just had to be a shark! 

I turned back around and continued swimming as quickly as I could. I was too afraid of the animal behind me to actually swim, though. It was more like flopping around and splashing the water in panic.

How the hell was I supposed to out-swim a shark?!

I turned back around to face the shark approaching me to find that the fin had disappeared. I spun around, searching for any sign of the shark, but couldn't find anything.

I took in a few shaky breaths before I decided to continue on my way as quickly as I could. I turned around to face the island and instead found myself face to face with the shark.

I was completely frozen in place. The shark's head was out of the water and it was staring at me with its beady eyes. It opened its mouth slightly, showing off its incredibly pointy teeth. 

I could've sworn I felt my soul leave my body.

The shark slowly swam closer to me and opened its mouth a little wider. It suddenly chomped down on something and I instinctively screamed, "Stop!"

It backed up, still staring at me, and tilted its head. It opened its mouth to show a dead sea snake.

I gagged. This was definitely worse than being with the fake versions of my friends.

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