Chapter 64

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Anti's POV

Dark and I stared blankly at the wall. What the hell?

"Mark?" I called. No response.

Dark sighed, "Okay, we'll get back to the wall appearing out of nowhere in a minute, but were you about to tell Mark that–"

I threw my hands over my ears. I knew I shouldn't have brought it up. I pinched the sides of my head before looking at Dark.

I moved my hands and smiled. "I doubt Mark'll figure out what I was gonna say. We could probably just play it off like I didn't say anything about him not having to explain this situation to his friends."

Dark blinked. "You do realize that he's with Dan, Phil, and Logan in a place where you can't get them to shut up, right?"

I sighed out of frustration as I stood against the wall and sunk down to the floor. "I shouldn't have mentioned anything," I grumbled.

Dark rolled his eyes. "If it all works out the right way, it could be fun. I, for one, would love to be able to bother Mark at all times."

I shifted my eyes away from the floor to Dark. "We do need to tell them. Preferably soon."

Dark nodded. "Yeah, but we won't be able to do that if this plan fails. We need to go find Felix."

I put my head between my knees and exclaimed in a muffled voice, "And how exactly are we supposed to distract Felix long enough for them to get Percy out of the dungeon? The second Felix sees us, we're dead."

Dark poked the wall. "I actually think Felix already knows we're here. He probably made the wall appear to force us to go to him quicker."

My head jolted upright and I sprung off the ground. "He was separating me and you from everyone else."

Dark sent me a confused glance. "Yeah? I thought we already established that."

"No!" I exclaimed as I ran a hand through my hair. "There must be a trap or something waiting for the others in the dungeon! You and I would have connected those dots! We've known Felix since we were kids! We know how his mind works!" I stared at the wall, then back to Dark. "We need to keep Felix busy for as long as possible."

Dark nodded before his eyes went wide. "He's using Cry."

"Shit!" I yelled as I turned around to punch the wall. I swung my fist at it, but stopped short.

Well, I didn't stop short, more like someone grabbed my arm. "Don't hurt yourself. I refuse to deal with your whining while we walk around trying to find Felix."

I spun around to face Dark. "First of all, I wouldn't be the one whining. I can deal with a bit of blood, unlike someone. Secondly, if everyone else has to deal with Cry, I think we should at least beat the shit out of Felix–"

"Shouldn't we, oh, I don't know, not get kicked out of the castle for the second time?" Dark asked with a grimace.

"Mind you, I fight considerably better now than when I was nineteen," I shot back.

"We'd still get kicked out," Dark replied matter-of-factly.

"Whatever, let's just go find Felix and try not to get on his list of people to execute."

As we started walking down one of the hallways, Dark commented, "Do you think he's waiting for an apology?"

"I'm expecting him to apologize to us, definitely not the other way around."

"I didn't ask what you expected, I asked what Felix wants. He probably thinks we betrayed him or something." We turned a corner to the left. "Isn't his throne room to the right?"

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