Chapter 61

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Mark's POV

We paired up demons and humans so that all of us could make it through the window. Thomas was with Logan, Jack was with Phil, and I was with Anti. Dan was going to fly up by himself first to make sure it was safe for the rest of us. Dark demanded that he carried Chica.

We all walked to the front of the car while Dan let his wings pull out of his back. They were dark gray with thin, white lines going in every direction and stretched about an inch past his fingertips on either side.

"Your wings are smaller than Anti's," I commented, staring at them in awe.

"Oh yeah? I bet I could tell you something of your's that's smaller than Anti's–"

"Dan, could you not?" Dark interrupted.

"Yeah, don't try to diss Mark. Just go make sure everything's safe," Anti added.

Dan huffed. "Sure." He launched himself into the air, flapped his wings a few times, then soared up to the window.

I heard Dark whisper from behind me, "You know, he's a lot less annoying when he's forty meters away from us."

"He'd be way less annoying if he dropped from that far," Anti whispered back, giggling quietly.

Jack jogged up beside me and asked, "Ya think Anti'll drop you since you're so annoying?"

I turned to look at him. "I'm not sure, but based off of what I've heard, humans and demons feel the same way about people. Would you drop me from that high up?"

He looked up to the window Dan had just flown through, almost as if he was considering it. "Hmm."

I shoved him. "Why is this something to think about?!"

He laughed, "I'm kidding! Calm down! If you were to die and anyone found out I did it, I'd be dead within an hour."

"All that proves is that people care more about my well-being than yours," I stated, smirking. "Which is entirely true, but–"

"That's the most untrue statement I've ever heard! As far as I know, there are only two people who give a crap about you! That's Reagan and–"

"What the hell are you two fighting over?" Anti asked, interrupting Jack.

"Jack said that only two people care about me!" I pouted in a child's voice.

Anti stared at Jack. "Was one of those people–"

"Reagan!" Jack interrupted, blushing slightly. "Reagan won't shut up about Mark when I'm with her! I actually think she might be the only person–"

Anti erupted into a fit of laughter. "Smooth, Jack. Now you're just insulting Mark even more."

Jack's face turned a darker shade of red. I looked between him and Anti. "What're you two talking about?"

Anti seemed prepared to answer but didn't get the chance to since Dan came crashing back down at that moment. "I still need to work on my landings," he grumbled to himself as he laid face down on the grass.

"So, how's everything looking up there?" Dark asked.

Dan pushed himself off the grass and sat down. "The window leads to a hallway on the third or fourth floor. There were two guards dressed in knights armor on both ends of the hallway. I don't think any of them saw me."

Phil helped Dan up, then replied, "It sounds like we're good to go, then."

Dark picked up Chica. "Yup. Logan, you want to go through the plan?"

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