Chapter 59

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Mark's POV

"Anti!" I repeated, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm great!" Anti cheered a few feet away, smirking.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I stood up.

"Well, after I woke up from being punched unconscious by Dark," he paused to glare at Dark, who was walking up behind him,"I found out he brought you here and I demanded to come help you out."

"I was planning on breaking him out before you said anything!" Dark defended.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Anti replied, rolling his eyes.

"I was! I figured that Mark would find out where Percy is, then I would break him out and save Percy!" Dark stated.

Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me back onto the floor next to him and Chica. "Mark, why do those people look just like you and me? I met Anti back at the orphanage, but no one ever explained why we look just alike."

I smiled a bit. "Anti and Dark are our demon alternatives. They're relatively nice until you piss them off."

"Hey! We're nice all the time you piece of shit!" Anti yelled.

Jack chuckled, "So Mark was right. Umm, who are the other two people out by that van?"

"Oh!" Anti began excitedly. "Those are the demon versions of Dan and Phil!"

"They're super fun," I whispered to Jack.

"No, they aren't!" Anti argued.

"You only think that because they dumped syrup on you," I stated.

"It wasn't just any syrup," Phil started as he and Dan approached us, "it was maple syrup."

"Because that makes so much of a difference," Anti grumbled.

"Wait," Jack stood up, "Dan and Phil dumped syrup on Anti? Why didn't you just run? Dan and Phil essentially have no athletic abilities."

Dan smirked, resting his elbow on Anti's shoulder. "Yeah Anti, why didn't you just run? You could have easily escaped the syrup."

"Oh, that's simple," Phil answered. "He didn't see it coming."

"Would you two shut up," Anti responded.

"Sorry dude, but seeing you upset is way more entertaining than seeing you proud," Dan chuckled.

"So are you guys here to break out Mark and Jack?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, who are you?" Dark questioned.

"This is Thomas and Logan," I answered. "They had a plan to break out me and Jack, which we were just about to put into action."

"Cool, well, we'll be taking them off of your hands," Anti stated as he helped me off the ground.

"No," Jack and I replied in sync. I glanced at him and he continued, "We're all going together. Mark and I aren't leaving Thomas and Logan here."

Dark seemed ready to argue, but Phil spoke first, "There's plenty of room in the van."

"Yeah, I don't see a problem with that," Dan added.

I looked back to Thomas and Logan. "You guys okay with this?"

"Why not? This might be fun," Thomas replied.

Logan nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"Alright, let's go!" Phil cheered as he began leading us to the van. Chica trotted alongside Dark.

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