Chapter 5

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Mark's POV

I woke up to find that a small weight had been put on my chest. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jack cuddled into my side, his head resting on my chest. Our legs were twisted together under my blankets, and he had an arm wrapped around my waist.

I smiled to myself. He's just so cute when he's sleeping! That was when the realization hit me: I was crushing on Sean McLoughlin.

I groaned. I'm fostering a child with my crush. What could go wrong?

I sighed as I slowly began getting out of my bed. I tried my hardest not to wake Jack, but, unfortunately, while I was trying to untangle our legs, I kneed him in his–well, his crotch area.

Still with his eyes closed, he let out a small, "Owww." His eyes slowly opened and he looked at me.

I smiled softly at him, "Morning."

"Did you knee my balls for a reason or did you just want me up?"

I let out a nervous laugh, "Sorry, I was trying to get my legs out of that abomination."

"What time is it?" Jack mumbled.

I glanced over at my clock. "About eleven."

Jack's eyes shot open and a small smile appeared on his face. "Is anyone up yet?"

I shrugged. "Not sure, I just woke up, why?"

Jack didn't answer my question, instead he replied with, "Let's see who's up." He grabbed my hand and started leading me out of my room. I rolled my eyes and walked next to him. We entered the living room to see Phil and Felix watching Steven Universe.


"Morning guys!" Phil cut Felix off as he greeted us. Felix sent a glare in Phil's direction, but Phil ignored him.

"Hey!" Jack greeted. "So, who all's up?"

"Cry's taking a shower and Dan is still in his room, we don't know if he's awake yet though," Phil stated, ignoring Felix cussing out the TV.

Jack replied, "That lazybones!" in his Papyrus voice, as he grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs. I felt my face heat up a bit.

"Umm, what are we doing?" I asked him. Jack just let a small smirk take place on his face.

We walked past my room, then past his. We passed the bathroom and stopped in front of Dan's closed door. Jack put his finger up to his lips, as he slowly opened Dan's door.

Dan was facing away from us, a small light illuminating his face. He was most likely on his phone. He didn't turn to look at us, so we carefully entered his room. Jack crept up beside his bed and slowly took his phone out of his pocket. He began to video himself in vlog form, making sure Dan was in the shot.

Like I said before: this is gonna be one hell of a series.

Jack slowly bent down, placing his head dangerously close to Dan's ear. Then, all of the sudden, Jack screamed, "TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA DAN!" directly into Dan's ear.

Dan yelled and rolled off the bed. I, along with Jack, erupted into laughter. Dan sat up and stared both of us down, as he mumbled, "Why. The hell. Would you do that?"

"Because you're sleeping when we should be at an orphanage!" Jack shouted back.

I facepalmed while Dan looked at me, smiling a bit. "Jack you idiot. The kids are probably in school," Dan stated, trying not to laugh.

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