Chapter 63

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Mark's POV

I slowly turned away from the wall and faced Dan and Phil. "Why did a wall just materialize?"

Dan walked forward and put his hand against the wall while Phil put his hands up defensively. "Don't look at us. We didn't ask to throw the plan down the drain."

"What do ya think Anti was gonna say?" Jack asked, pulling his attention away from the wall and toward me.

I shook my head. "I have no idea. How would we fill everyone in on what happened down here without explaining it?"

"They may have already found out somehow," Logan suggested. "But Anti has no way of knowing what's happening in the human world, so he must've meant something else."

"I hate breaking up this conversation, but shouldn't we be more focused on the task at hand?" Dan questioned. "I mean, a wall just appeared out of thin air. It just happened to separate Anti and Dark from the rest of us, but didn't block our path to the door."

"Are you suggesting that we're expected to go down that staircase?" Thomas asked.

"I'm just saying that the wall was placed very strategically. Leaving us to the door, but keeping Anti and Dark out in the hallway."

Phil's eyes widened. "Someone knows we're here."

"There's no way of knowing for sure, but that's what I think," Dan replied. "And I'll give you one guess who."

"It'd likely be Felix," Phil murmured, barely audible.


"That's just a guess, though," Jack retorted. "It's just as likely that none of that is what's really going on."

I nodded in agreement. "I think we should continue with the plan. Anti and Dark have probably already begun searching for Felix. I say we complete our side of the mission."

Thomas smiled confidently. "Plus, we still have Chica!" Chica barked excitedly at the mention of her name. "We should be able to complete our task pretty easily. Not to mention Anti and Dark seemed to be the ones getting singled out. I don't think anyone expects us to put up much of a fight."

"All the more reason for us to go cause as much trouble as possible!" Jack cheered.

Dan and Phil exchanged glances. Dan turned back to face the rest of us and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, I commented, "You know, the two of you do that quite a lot."

They glanced at each other again. "Do what?" Phil asked.

"I've hardly known the both of you for an hour and I've noticed it, too," Jack replied. "You look at each other—for what I assume is reassurance—literally all the time." Thomas nodded in agreement, but Logan seemed about ready to burst into laughter.

Phil smiled shyly. "I-It's, umm..."

"I like the way his face looks?" Dan suggested his answer.

Logan smirked. "Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason."

Both Dan and Phil's cheeks lit up. "Can we stop talking about this?" Dan irritatedly asked.

"Sure, just as soon as you explain it," Jack replied.

Logan looked at Dan and Phil, then to me and Jack. "No one ever explained the basics of demons to you, did they?"

"I thought the basics were that they all had wings and met literally no stereotype of demons at all," Jack responded.

"Well, every now and then, some demons are born with special talents that develop once they turn eighteen. Dan and Phil–"

"We aren't talking about this right now!" Dan yelled, causing all of the attention in the area to fall on him.

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