Chapter 15

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Mark's POV

I stopped following John once I saw Nate rush past me to Dan. I turned around and saw Jason, frozen behind us, staring at the floor. "Jason?" I called.

He looked up and I noticed tears rushing down his cheeks. He wiped them away with his sleeve as he choked out, "W-What?"

I held my arms out, suddenly feeling the need to hug him. He sniffled and hesitantly walked over. He buried his head in my chest and let me hug him. "What's up bud?"


"Guys, hurry up!" John yelled at us.

"Come on, we can talk about it later," I explained.


I smiled sympathetically at him before we continued on our way. Reagan joined us once we caught up. "He–whoa Jason, what happened?"

He looked at her, then continued to stare at the floor. I heard him sniffle again.

"Does anyone know what time it is?" Cry asked.

Dan pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit the power button, but it didn't turn on. He raised an eyebrow at it and tried again, but still, nothing happened. "That's weird, it was at seventy percent when we left Mark's house," Dan mumbled.

I pulled out my phone, and, just like Dan's, it didn't turn on. Felix and Cry had their phones out as well, but just like the rest of ours, nothing happened. "Weird's one way to put it," Reagan mumbled.

"You have another way of putting it?" Nate asked, skeptically.

"Ever hear of paranormal phenomenons?" she asked, making over dramatic hand motions.

"Reagan, there's no paranormal activity–"

"Felix, SHUT UP!" Reagan started. "Have you already forgotten about that monster in the hallway? Or that weird door that John's reminding us about every five minutes? What about the fact that Jack, Phil, and Percy are being tortured, or worse, while we speak? Do I need to go on?"

Felix stood completely dumbfounded, while Cry just laughed, "Ya know, she's got a point."

"Shut up," Felix muttered, as he punched Cry gently on the shoulder. Cry only smiled in return.

"Is anyone else tired as fu–"

"Don't. You. Dare," John cut Dan off.

"I was gonna say 'fudge' mind you," Dan replied. Jason and Reagan tried not to laugh.

"Okay, seriously though," Felix began, "I'm tired. How long have we been here?"

"If I had to guess, a few hours," I assumed.

"John, can we take a break?" Dan asked.


"But I'm tiiiiired," Reagan complained, making John sigh.


We continued to walk until we reached the end of the hallway, where we all sat down and started to relax. Cry and Felix laid together on the floor and cuddled in each other's arms. They fell asleep almost immediately.

How late could it possibly be?!

I sat against the wall with Reagan and Jason, while Dan and Nate sat on the other side of Cry and Felix. John refused to relax, so he stood guard at the fork in the hallway.

"Uh, Jason?" Reagan asked.

"Hmm?" he replied, still with tears running down his face.

"What do you mean 'hmm'?! I thought you kissed him!" Reagan whisper-screamed.

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