Chapter 77

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Mark's POV

The words "Here They Lie" slowly grew brighter until it was difficult to see. "Alright," Ethan whispered, "no one do anything to draw attention to us."

"You don't think this blinding light is going to attract attention?!" Tyler whisper-screamed.

I heard Robert snicker quietly, "He just means don't freak out too much here in a second."

"Wait, why would we–"

Before I had the chance to ask my question, I was thrown forward. I braced myself to slam into the wall, but I didn't. Instead, I was sent flying forward, off of what seemed to be a cliff of some kind.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a loud scream as I fell into an abyss. My heart practically leaped out of my chest when I heard Ethan laughing from beside me.

"What's so funny?!" I demanded as I opened my eyes and found him laughing as we fell.

"I just never took you as the easily scared type," he chuckled out.

I looked away from him and stared at the black nothingness beneath me. "We seem to be falling to our death. Is this the entrance to the top floors?"

He looked over at me, smirking. "What do you think?"

"I think you're crazy and that we're both about to die."

"Rude, I'm not entirely crazy."

"Did you just confirm that we're falling to our death?!" I shouted.

"Mark!" Ethan yelled.

I looked at Ethan, but he just seemed to be enjoying the fall. "What?" I called.

He turned to face me, confused. "I didn't–"


That's definitely Ethan.

I glanced up this time. Ethan looked up too. I was surprised to find another Ethan floating above me next to everyone else.

"Mark, who are you talking to?" Felix asked.

I glanced back beside me where Ethan had been to find that he wasn't there. Before I could ask what had happened, Robert explained, "You're already being messed with."

"None of you saw him?" I asked.

Cry shook his head. "No? Who were you talking to?"

I made eye contact with Ethan for a split second before turning back around. "Don't know. Is this the entrance, then?"

"Yeah," Tyler answered, "but I think there are more important things to discuss at the moment."

"Like what?" Ethan asked.

"What do you mean 'like what'?!" Tyler shouted. "Why did Mark get yanked through the entrance, while the rest of us had to jump through on our own?"

"Let's just focus on getting to the top floors for now, okay?" Ethan suggested.

"No, I'm interested in this as well," Cry commented. "Why did Mark get pulled through, and no on else? All of us could have been pulled through. That would have made more sense because then we'd all be distracted. It would have been harder to figure out what was happening, if we ever did."

"We'll figure this out later, alright?" Robert offered. "For right now, everyone please just focus on the problem at hand."

"I'm only asking because I'm curious," Felix began, "but Mark, what did the person say to you?"

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