Chapter 67

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Mark's POV

I pointed my finger at Dan. "I knew something about this wasn't right!"

Jack elbowed me before calling into the dark room, "Who's there?"

"Go ahead and walk in to receive an answer."

I grimaced. "We aren't actually going to walk into the mysterious room with the familiar sounding bad guy, are we?"

"You have a good point," Logan complimented. "Since we know that Percy isn't down here, we could just walk back up the stairs and wait for the wall to be removed."

Dan leaned over to peer into the room. "Yeah, I'm with Logan. This seems like a pointless boss battle."

We all nodded in agreement before turning back the way we came. As we walked away from the room, Jack glanced back. "Was that supposed to be a distraction? If so, they did a pretty shit job."

I nodded. "Yeah, I can't help the feeling that the person speaking sounded familiar, though. You think it might've been someone we know? That would've made it a clever distraction."

Jack shrugged. "I'm not all that interested in finding out. They sounded a little too intimidating for my taste."

"Would you morons get back here before I have to do something I might regret?" The mysterious person called after us.

"Not interested, sorry!" Phil yelled over his shoulder, earning a high five from Dan.

The person sighed, "You're asking for this."

Before any of us could make a snarky remark, a wall came crashing down at the end of the hallway. Thomas nearly fell backward from the impact.

"Alright, mysterious person, would you stop making walls block our path? It's starting to get annoying," Dan grumbled.

"Oh, but the fun's only begun," the person snickered from inside the room.

I groaned, "I'm starting to get sick of people I can't see giving me weird messages. Would you come out of that room so I can punch something with good reason?"

"Were you considering punching something without good reason?" Thomas half joked.

I stared straight ahead toward the open door. The person made no response, but after several seconds of silence, a figure, who's face was covered by a black hood, walked out of the room.

Dan and Phil took a step toward me and Jack. Logan and Thomas remained planted in front of the wall, trying to figure out a way to move it.

The hooded figure's wicked smile shined through the darkness of its hood. "If it wasn't already made clear, you aren't going anywhere."

"And why's that?" Dan asked.

"There's nowhere to go to at the moment. Everything is being taken care of as we speak. Well, everything except you six and that dog. I decided to take care of you all myself."

Now, after hearing the person speak and seeing him with my own eyes, I realized who it was. A shiver ran down my spine, but I put on a brave face. "You're the one behind all of this, then?"

He snickered, "Not even close, but for right now, I'm in charge of the Underworld."

I sighed as I searched for an answer. All the other demons we've found that we knew in the human world had been relatively nice. I hadn't met Felix, but I was beginning to think that everything I'd been told about him was a lie. That left me with the figure in front of me. The person ruling the Underworld from behind the scenes for who knows how long.

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