Hinata Shouyou | Thank You

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Hinata x volleyball player! reader

  The Karasuno Boy's Volleyball team was just ending practice for the day. After a few more drills, they pack up and begin to head out for the evening. Daichi made sure to lock up the building. They all bid their goodbye's and began to walk home. One of the boys seemed to be in a confident mood after almost perfecting his "Super Quick" with Kageyama during practice.

"Did you see that, Kageyama-kun?! I hit the ball like 'blam' and then it made a 'boom' and-"

"Yes, dumbass. I was right there..." The setter was beginning to get annoyed with the orange-haired boy beside him. Tobio was well aware that the whole walk home may consist of the energetic Hinata's boasting, but he was used to it by now.

"Hey, Kageyama! Let's race!" Shouyou cheered. Kageyama rolled his eyes,

"Fine..." Though the setter sounded as if he thought of racing as more of a way to shut Hinata up, but really he liked running with his best friend, even though he would never say it out loud.

"1...2...3! Go!!!" Hinata dashed forward. Kageyama chased after him yelling,

"Hinata Dumbass! I wasn't ready!" Kageyama managed to catch up to him and they sprinted at about the same pace. The air caused Shouyou's hair to blow back. All that filled the boys' ears were the sounds of their panting breath and the whistling of wind as they raced. The sky was the color of deep blue seawater and a few stars twinkled like candlelight.

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, Hinata thought he saw a few shadows by the side of a building. As he ran closer, muffled voices filled his ears. His curiosity got the got the best of him and Shouyou slowed down to get a better veiw.

Once he snuck close enough, he realized they were the shadows of three people. He crept behind the other side of the building.

"Hey girl, you play volleyball right?"

"Y-yes...." It sounded like a nervous girl.

"So then you wouldn't mind getting on your knees for me" a male voice chuckled in a deep tone of voice. Hinata was peeping behind the corner to see what was going on.

A girl who looked around his age was backed up against the wall. She had a duffle bag next to her, which was opened for reasons unknown. In front of her were two tall men. Well, they weren't very tall, but everyone's tall when it comes to Hinata's point of veiw.

Then men were probably third years. One had dark hair pulled back into a ponytail while the other seemed to have light brown hair. The one with the light brown hair was holding up a volleyball above his head, which Hinata could only assume wasn't really his.

He managed to put two and two together. The poor girl against the wall, the open bag, and the men with the volleyball could probably only mean one thing.

Hinata stepped out from his "Hiding spot" and stepped closer. The men continued harassing the girl, trying to get her to do things that aren't exactly appropriate to name.

The middle blocker walked up and stepped in front of the shaking girl, putting his arms out in a protective way. Though he may have seemed brave and tough, Hinata was shaking probably as much as the girl behind him. He managed to puff out his chest and talk without his voice cracking,

"Hey! Leave her alone!" He looked up at the third years, who's attention was all on him now.

"Pfft! Haven't the elementary school kids already have gone home by now?" The one with the ponytail teased. Hinata did his best not to falter,

"First of of all, I'm not in elementary school, I'm a first year at Karasuno. Second, leave this girl alone! What did she ever do to you?" Shouyou glared up at the teens in front of him. On the inside, he was angry. Who do they think they are picking on a girl like this? It's really uncool. They looked down at him in almost a mocking way,

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