Hinata Shoyo | Gears

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Hinata groaned as he pulled his bike along the sidewalk. He had just popped his bike tire after traveling through the woods on it and running over a sharp rock. Now here he was, walking it to the nearest mechanics shop so he could get the tire replaced. He was tired from walking the distance from where he popped the tire to here.

Luckily, the shop was in sight. It was kinda small for a mechanics shop, but he could hear the sound of machines starting up and the clanging of tools. He sped up his pace and slowly entered the garage.

Hinata felt really out of place the moment he walked in. The garage was filled with machinery and bulky men fixing trucks and cars. And here's a small highschool boy with a popped bike tire. One of the men must have noticed him standing there, because Hinata heard someone speak to him over all the noise.

"Hey kid. How can we help you?"

Hinata was surprised how nice he sounded, "Oh, I-I popped a tire on my bike while riding in the woods. I was wondering if I could get it fixed here."

The man cocked and eyebrow, "Kid, you know his is a mechanics shop right? We really only do cars and trucks." He thought for a moment, "But we can still help you out. Follow me please."

Hinata silently followed the man deeper into the garage. He found himself looking around as they walked.

They stopped at a car that was being fixed. Two smaller legs pooped out from underneath it and noises came from under there. The man gently tapped one of the legs, "(y/n), can you do something for me?"

To Hinata's surprise, a girl around his age slid out from under the car, tools in hand and some oil and grease covering parts of her face and tank top. She put down he tools and sat up, wiping her hands on her jeans.

"Yeah, what do you need?"

The man pointed to Hinata, "He needs a tire replacement. I can take care of this while you help him."

The girl looked over at Hinata and he blushed. She was really pretty, even with the oil and grease. She stared at him for a minute before getting up. She glanced at the man.

"I got it, Dad," She looked back at Hinata and smiled, "Follow me please."

Once they were away from the other cars and people, she went over to a cabinet and pulled out a few tools. Hinata could help but watch as she strolled over and reached up to grab a tire that matched his old one.

The girl positioned herself next the his bike, "So how did this happen?"

The poor boy almost had a hard time speaking to her. She was so charismatic and had a lovely voice. In a way, he was intimidated by how charming she was.

"Oh, I-I popped the tire while riding in the woods."

She just nodded and went to work on removing the popped tire. Hinata sat down on the other side of the bike.

"I'm (y/n), by the way."

"I'm Hinata. Nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Hinata."

Hinata watched as she worked, but he found himself mostly just watching her. Her (h/c) hair was pulled back into a messy bun and her (e/c) eyes were focused on the bike. Hinata had seen a lot of pretty girls, but this one really takes the cake.

"So, what's it like working here?" Hinata spoke in hopes to break the silence. To his luck (y/n) smiled at him,

"Oh it's fine. I know it may seem a bit odd to find a girl my age working in a mechanics shop with adult men."

Hinata countered her, "No no no! It's not odd at all! It's cool!"

(Y/n) grinned, "It's really fun though. I work with my dad, who was the guy talking to you earlier."

Hinata pictured the man in his head. He and (y/n) barely looked anything alike, in addition to the fact he was big and muscular and she was small and pretty.

She continued, "I have always had an interest with hands-on work. For example, I love to fix things and clean. I find it fun. So working here part time is actually more of a hobby than a job."

Hinata nodded. She turned to him, "What do you like to do, Hinata?"

His eyes lit up, "Volleyball! It's really fun! I play middle blocker, so I can hit the ball like 'blam' and 'smack'. My team is really cool, too"

(Y/n) smiled, "Sometimes a watch volleyball games on the tv if there's nothing else on. It's a pretty cool sport."

Hinata's eyes shone at her. Not only was she pretty and really cool, but she knows a few things about volleyball! He felt his heart pound in his chest.

It was silent for a moment before (y/n) stood up and wiped her hands off on her jeans, "Done!"

Hinata felt sad for some reason, "You finished that fast?"

She nodded whole she put away her tools. Hinata looked to he his bike was in perfect condition.

"Thank you." He turned to her in awe at her work. (Y/n) just smiled,

"No problem. Have a nice day!"

"You too!" Hinata left the shop after paying. On the way home, the ginger haired boy realized that (y/n) was something special. He couldn't place a finger on it, but he knew something was there.

. . .

Over the weekend Hinata felt the feeling of longing. Soon enough he realized he was longing to see (y/n). He really missed those (e/c) eyes and her (h/c) hair. And her personality. However, he doesn't know where she lives or if she's working that day. He could always stop by the shop to see her, but that may be really obvious and her dad may not approve.

But he got an idea. Hinata quickly ran into the garage where he kept his bike. Looking down at it, he quickly ripped off the chain and broke it. Then he removed one of the pedals. Breaking into a run, he took his bile to the nearest mechanics shop.

"You broke it again?" the girl stared at his bike with a raised eyebrow, but an amused look on her face. Hinata just nodded. (Y/n) let out a chuckle and walked Hinata and his bike to the same place as before.

As she fixed the bike, Hinata had a conversation with her. At one point, (y/n) even paused working to chat with him. They both enjoyed it. Hinata, because he's talking with (y/n). (Y/n), because she's talking with someone other than her coworkers, and it was a bonus that it happened to be Hinata.

Every chance he got, Hinata would take apart his bike to have an excuse to see (Y/n). It came to the point where Hinata convinced his mother to get her car fixed up there just so he could spend time with the girl. However, she seemed to catch onto what he was doing.

"I'm not dumb, Shoyo." She grinned. See, they are even on first name base! Hinata pretended to be confused,


She just chuckled, "You know you can just come here to chat. You don't need to torture your bike every time you want to see me."

(Y/n) found this whole thing amusing. But deep down, she too loved seeing the ginger boy. Hinata's face went ablaze.

"No no no its not like that! I-" (Y/n) cut him off by pressing a finger to his lips. She smiled,

"Would you like to go get some lunch with me tomorrow? There's a ramen place down the street."

Hinata looked like he was about to explode. He tried to keep it cool, but his expression said otherwise. "Th-that sounds g-great!" He stuttered. (Y/n) shot him a warm smile, which almost made the poor boy melt to the floor.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. But for now, since they aren't done with your mother's car, lets talk some more."

Heyyy. This one shot was requested but I can't remember who requested it! My apologies. Sorry it took so long! I'm slowly getting each request done, so bear with me. I'll see you guys next time!

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