Akaashi keiji | Shy

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Requested by @thuglyfeotaku
I hope this is kinda what you wanted! Sorry it's so late!

"Just go talk to him, (y/n)-sempai! At least a hello?"

You glance down at the blonde in front of you before staring out onto the court once again. Your cheeks heat up for a moment, "How? What if he thinks I'm weird?"

Yachi tries to comfort your negative thoughts with a light pat on the arm, "You're not weird, (y/n)-sempai! I think your very nice!"

This makes you smile. "Thank you, Yachi-San"

You were in a bit of a dilemma at the moment. You are the manager of the Karasuno boy's volleyball team. The team had recently been invited to a training camp with nekoma and a few other teams in Tokyo. Being manager, you went along with the team. But in the few days being there, you couldn't take your eyes off this one player.

No, it wasn't because he had an incredible jump like Hinata or amazing defensive skills like Daichi. He didn't have any inhuman abilities or tricks up his sleeve.

But lord was he pretty.

You can't recall ever seeing someone as flawlessly perfect as him. He had black short hair that gave you the urge to pet it. His half-lidded emerald eyes only showed concentration. Actually, his facial expression barely ever changed. He was so simple yet so unique in ways you couldn't comprehend yourself.

Akaashi Keiji

Earlier you had asked one of the Fukurodani managers what their setter's name was. Even his name was beautiful.

Sometimes, just being in his presence made you question your own features, for they couldn't compare to his.

"What's the harm in it?" Yachi spoke up again. You ponder for a minute over the possible outcomes of you simply saying hello.

1. He could just say hello back and go on with his day like you had never existed.

2. He could completely ignore your presence.

3. He could tell you to go away, even though he didn't seem like the rude type.

4. Or he could stomp on you with his godly powers and send you into a mortal chamber beneath the Earth's crust to wallow in your own self pity.

And what's made things worse was you couldn't decide with outcome would be more bearable.

You let out a quiet sigh and think a little more. Your an awkward person in general so things might turn out badly if you try to converse with the dark haired male. You can feel Yachi's eyes sending you concerned and hopeful looks. A sudden thought pops up into your head.

"I got it!" You cheer quietly and Yachi gives you a bright smile. With a click of your pen, you get to work.

. . .

Akaashi's pov

"Nice set, Akaashi!" Bokuto-San yells, of course saying my name oddly. Honestly, I've decided to get used to it at this point. There is no use in correcting Bokuto-San only for him to go right back to mispronouncing it again.

Once our little practice match ends, the team struts over to the benches that our managers are seated at. One of them, I don't catch which one, speaks up above the chattering boys.

"That's it for tonight, guys! Pack up and head back to your rooms to wash up!"

"Nice work today!" Another voice peeps from the mass of bodies. I reach down to my water bottle to take a drink when I see something carefully placed beneath it. My eyebrow lifting in curiosity, I pick up the piece of paper.

The handwriting is very neat, so I guessed it was a female who wrote it.

Hello! You probably don't know me, I go to Karasuno.
My name is (l/n) (y/n). Sorry if this is weird or creepy... I just wanted to say I think you are a very good player! I've been watching you play WAIT IM SORRY THATS WEIRD

My lips form a ghost of a smile as I continue to read the note,

Anyway, I'm glad your having fun at training camp. At least I think your having fun...
Uhhh..... So yeah.... I'm (l/n) (f/n)! Ah wait I already said that.... Sorry

I'll just leave this here.... Bye

P.s, I think your really cute

I feel my cheeks heat up at the last sentence and I can't help but smile a bit. Just the fact someone, a girl especially, was watching me of all people, makes my chest feel all weird. I realized I haven't seen (y/n)-San face to face at all so far. How did she even notice me in the first place? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the foot steps coming up from my right.

"AKAAAAASHI!" A hand claps down on my shoulder and I wince a bit at the impact. I turn my head to see non other than Bokuto-San.

"What's got your face all red like that?" He looks down at the note in my hand before I stuff it away in my gym bag. "A note?! Lemme see!"

"No, Bokuto-San"



I do my best to block out the pleads coming from the bi-haired male that paced beside me. I continued to walk out of the gym, my eyes sometimes sneaking a glance at my bag where the note was tucked away.

I will definitely be sure to find and talk to her tomorrow

Hey guys! Would you look at that, I'm still alive! I'm really sorry if this was bad. I will admit it was a little rushed because I knew I needed to update eventually. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next time!

*youtuber closing*

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