Oikawa Tooru | Please Don't Go

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Hola mis amigos! Que tal? Lo siento para no escribo!

Ok I'm done sorry I wanted to try out my Spanish. Don't hate me... anyway!

Question: what is your favorite school subject and why? Mine is art because my class is really chill and I love painting and drawing!


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Oikawa loves (y/n) so much. He adores her.

The two started dating the summer before college when they met at a tour. They hit it off rather quickly a matter of fact. Both of them loved volleyball and were passionate about anything that they were interested in.

Which was perfect because after a short while, they were so passionate for each other and decided to start a relationship.

Now they are 4 years strong. They are graduating soon and in the meantime share a dorm. It's a secret, but Oikawa was thinking about proposing sometime after graduation.

"(Y/n) I'm back!!" The brunette called upon entering the dorm. He heard quiet shuffling from the bathroom and soon appeared his girlfriend in sweatpants and a tank top. Her hair looked like a rat's nest but it didn't stop him from engulfing her in a hug and kissing her head.

"I missed youuu~" He cooed. (Y/n) sighed,

"It's only been 3 hours."

"Still!" Oikawa let her go from his grasp and faced her, "What's up with the grouchy face (y/n)? It doesn't look good on you."

(Y/n) avoided eye contact, which the setter noticed. He cocked a brow while she spoke, "It's nothing..."

"Ok, but if you're lying I'll punish you with endless cuddling," He teased. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and walked away.

All week (y/n) had been acting weird. She went to the supermarket on night and came back with a bag in which she hid from Oikawa. She went into the bathroom with the bag and didn't come out until 30 minutes later. Ever since then, she had been secretive and mysterious. Oikawa would come home from class and find her on her computer but as soon as she saw him, she'd close the tab and shut it. One morning she threw herself out of bed and ran into the bathroom, stayed in there for 10 minutes, before slowly stepping out rubbing her lower tummy. When he asked she said she was just feeling sick.

One day, Oikawa came home from his morning classes to find (y/n) was not in the living room where'd she normally be at this time of day. Instead, he heard faint whispering coming from the bedroom.

Immediately he thought of the worst and slowly made his way over to the door. He was about to reach for the handle when he stopped himself and decided to knock.

"(Y/n)? Are you in there?"

At the sound of his voice, he heard a quiet gasp and the shuffling of sheets. He waited outside the door despite the horrid thoughts entering his mind. A few moments later, (y/n) opened the door with nothing but one of his T-shirt's on. Of course it covered her body, but he was still concerned about his suspicions.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked, trying to peak into the room. (Y/n) wasted no time in blocking him. "What's going on (y/n)?"

Oikawa looked way more serious now. (Y/n) gulped and ushered for Oikawa to move into the living room.

"Who is in there?" Oikawa didn't stop asking questions.

"Who? Oh... oh um no one..." (y/n) was obviously lying.

"I heard whispering," Oikawa said blatantly, making sure (y/n) knew he was onto her, "Is there something I should know?"

(Y/n)'s face went red and she began to shake a bit, "N-No"

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