Iwaizumi Hajime | Protective Brother Problems

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"Bye, Tooru! I'm leaving." You began to open the door when Tooru appeared in front of you, his eyebrow raised. You glanced at his alien t-shirt and held back a giggle.

"Where do you think you're going?"

You groan, "Just going out. Don't be annoying, Tooru. You're not my mom."

Tooru jutted out his one hip and wagged a finger in your face, "I may not be your mom, but I am your older brother. And I was put in charge of you for today by mom. So, where are you going?"

You poked his chest with a scowl on your face, "You are only older by 5 minutes, idiot. And I'm fully responsible and dont need you pestering me about everything."

Oikawa pouted like a child, "But I want to be a good brother. And good brothers protect their little sisters from trouble."

You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose, "Again, only older by five minutes. I get it, but please let me socialize and live without you hanging over my shoulder 24/7. Good brothers don't bother their sisters."

Tooru looked down at the floor. You rolled your eyes and nudged his shoulder, "Hey," He looked up at you with his chocolate eyes, "I still love you, ya know."

Your brother just sighed and stepped out of your way, "Can I at least know where you are going?"


"With whom are you going with then?"

You swung the door open again and stepped out. Before shutting the door, you peaked your head back in, "You know him,"
With that, you slammed the door shut. You ran off only to hear Tooru yell after you.

"Wait HIM?!"

. . .

You giggled and took a sip from your milkshake. The male in front of you listened as you finished your story,

"He's so over dramatic! He literally questioned me for five minutes before I could leave the house. That's why I was late."

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, "Tell me about it. I have to deal with him every day at practice."

You cocked an eyebrow and leaned forward, "I had to deal with him everyday since I was born."

You both laughed. You had been dating Iwaizumi for about two weeks now. You didn't have any intentions in telling Tooru because you both know he would flip out. He's always been protective over you in any situation, especially boys. You knew very well Iwaizumi would never hurt you, and Tooru was his best friend, but you still didn't want to risk it. Hajime had the same plan as well. So every once and a while, you would sneak out to see your secret boyfriend.

"What's it like? Living with the king of drama I mean?" Iwaizumi asked after he stopped laughing. You thought for a moment.

"It's not that bad. We practice volleyball in the backyard sometimes and we can actually have conversations, but he gets all up in my business. I know he only means to protect me, but he's only older by five minutes! Oh well, that's just how he is I guess." You take another sip of your milkshake.

Iwaizumi smiles at you. You glance up at him and smile back. You both really were happy together.

"Hey (y/n)."

You hum for him to continue.

He smirks, "When's the next time you can sneak out?"

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