Tanaka Ryuu | Pool

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Taking off your (f/c) flip flops, you lower yourself onto the edge of the pool, only letting your legs dangle into the water of the shallow end. It brought a small smile to your face when you listened to the playful laughter of the Karasuno boy's volleyball team as they played in the pool.

As soon as summer break began, the team decided to host a pool party to celebrate a good season so far. Even though you aren't officially on the team, you were invited because you are Kiyoko-san's younger sister. Yes, you (Y/N), are related to the beautiful Kiyoko Shimizu.

You grew close to the team after coming to many of their games and practices. When Kiyoko told you how amazing the boy's played, you had to see for yourself. And when you did watch them play, you instantly knew Shimizu was right about everything she had told you.

What she didn't tell you however, was how the team had a certain cutie who caught your eye from the beginning.

Honestly, you heard Tanaka before you saw him. His loud personality set him apart from the others, and you kinda liked it. You would quietly watch him from afar, never admitting on how seeing Tanaka shirtless made you want to swoon.

But there was one tiny problem.

Tanaka had his eyes on your sister.

It had always seemed that you were just Shimizu's shadow, your pretty features always being out-shined by hers. You used to not care, but now it hurt seeing boys put their attention on Kiyoko instead of you. Especially since Tanaka was one of them. It was selfish, you know that, but what made Shimizu better than you? Yes, she had the looks, but you had the most lovable personality out of the two.

Though it seemed like all Tanaka cared about was your sister, that wasn't so true. Of course you had no idea, but Tanaka actually had his eyes on you a little more than the ravenette manager. Even though it's stupid, he must have thought by paying more attention to Kiyoko, Ryuu could manage to make you jealous and you would end up falling for him. But little did Ryuu know that his little act wasn't the thing that made you like him. It was like one weird loop that would hopefully be figured out sooner rather than later.

Snapping you out of your thoughts, you heard your sister call for you,

"(Y/N)-San, there's food over here if you want some." You turn to see your sister standing by a table filled with snacks and yummy foods. Shimizu's hair was hanging loose by her shoulders and she wore a pretty white hat. Her swimsuit was a blue one peice with white swirls on it. You had to admit, she looked really nice. Flawless really.

You wear wearing a (f/c) ruffled Bikini and your (h/c) hair was pulled back into a braid (If your hair isn't long enough for a braid, then you can style it however you like)

Once again, you felt like a peasant compared to your sister's royal looks. Why couldn't you look just as beautiful?

Getting up, you make sure not to slip as you walk over to the table. You slowly reach for a small peice of watermelon and walk to stand next to Kiyoko. You take a tiny bite of your fruit before you hear rapid footsteps,

"KIYOKO-SAN! YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!" Two male voices squeal and you look to see two familiar boys running up to you and Shimizu. You hear your sister sigh.

Nishinoya and Tanaka lunge forward to hug her, but Kiyoko ducks down, making the boys fly behind her. You hear them get right back up and prance back over,

"Oh Kiyoko-San! Your bathing suit is so cute!" Nishinoya chirps. You look away when Tanaka speaks,

"Your hair looks nice today, Kiyoko-san!"

You feel sadness creep up on you. You look down at your feet and take anther bite of your watermelon before waking away. You throw it in the trash before you could finish it,

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