Kageyama Tobio | Prank

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So lately I've been watching those "dead girlfriend pranks" or "murdered boyfriend prank" videos and I suddenly got an idea to write! Sorry if it isn't very good but at least I'm trying, right? Ok, on with the story!!

(Y/n) 's POV

You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, lightly dabbing the makeup applier across your neck over the fake wound you had just made. You smiled deviously while you finished putting the fake blood all over your neck and clothes. You add a little bit of blue tint onto your lips to seal the deal and finish up.

"Tobio is going to piss himself when he sees this." You chuckle to yourself as you clean up all of the makeup. You pick up the bottle of fake blood and take it with you into the kitchen.

You wanted to pull a prank on your boyfriend of two years, Kageyama Tobio. Everyday after his volleyball practice, he would come over to your place and spend some time with you before going home. At the moment, Kageyama was still at practice and you were feeling as evil as ever. You wanted to see how the boy would react if he found you murdered.

Stepping into the kitchen, you hide a video camera so you can watch his reaction later before sitting yourself onto the cold tiled floor. Pouring the blood around your neck and body, you make sure so make the "murder" look realistic. You then grab a kitchen knife and cover that in some blood too. You finally hide away the bottle of blood and lay down into the puddle of it beneath you. You check the clock to see that he should be coming over in about 8 minutes. You chuckle one last time before splaying your self onto the floor in a dead-like way. And now, we wait.

. . .

After downloading the video onto your laptop, you open it up to watch what happened with your prank a few hours ago. Since you had to fake being dead, you weren't able to see your setter's reaction fully, so that's what the camera was for. You pull up the video and begin to watch it,

Tobio's pov
The front door opened quietly and kageyama stepped into your house. Putting his stuff down by the door and taking off his shoes, he called out to you,

"(Y/n)! It's just me, you didn't answer the door so I let myself in. I hope you don't mind."

Once he didn't hear an answer, he continued to walk into your house, "(y/n)?"

Once he reached the kitchen, he noticed a leg peeking out from behind the counter. Slight panic and confusion began to boil in his stomach. Walking around the counter, he stood there, frozen in fear at what he saw. All he could do was stare at the horrible sight of his girlfriend on the floor with her throat slit. Blood was all over the floor and her hair covered her closed eyes.

Kageyama felt his throat tighten as his world seemed to crumble around him. He felt himself choke out a quiet sob as he drops to his knees and scrambles over to his (y/n). Not even worrying about the blood staining his clothes, he picks her up and holds her head into his chest,

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Wake up!"

"Please! Please just wake up!"

Tobio couldn't do anything but cry and beg for this to be just another nightmare. That all of this wasn't real and he would wake up to see (y/n)'s face beside him. All he did was sob for what seemed like forever, holding his beloved in his arms. "No no no no! This can't be happening..."

"Why her? Oh god why?" Kageyama leaned his forehead against yours, causing a few of his salty tears to drip onto your face.

Hopelessly, he tried shaking the girl as if it would wake her up.

"Goddammit!" Tobio's throat burned in protest as he screamed out. He stroked (y/n)'s (h/c) hair and kissed her lips one last time before getting up. He ran to his bag and took out his phone to dial the police.

(Y/n)' s POV

You felt Kageyama let go of you and you heard him leave the kitchen.

That's when you opened your eyes and sat up, realizing that if he calls the police on a false report, he could get in a lot of trouble. You almost slipped on the fake blood as you ran to Kageyama,

"Wait! Don't call the police!" Kageyama turned to you with wide eyes and mouth gaping in shock. Before he even dialed a number, the setter dropped his phone and squeezed you in a tight embrace. You could feel his tears mixing with the fake blood on your shirt. His body was shaking. You started to feel a bit guilty for pulling such a hard prank on him.

"I thought I actually lost you..." Tobio's voice was muffled as he buried his head into you shoulder. You let out a sigh through your nose and rubbed his back in order to calm him down. Placing a peck on his head, you continued to draw circles on his shoulder blades. You could feel is breathing begin to regulate until he finally looked you in the eyes, hands tightly gripping your shoulders. His blue orbs were still red from the crying and tears were still evident on his cheeks.

"You scared the crap out of me, (y/n)! Do you have any idea what I would do if you were actually dead? What the hell?!"

Now you began to giggle, "It was just a prank, Tobio! I just wanted to see how you would react if I 'died'"

Kageyama let out a huff, "well you got your moment of glory. You will never hear me cry like that again."

He let go of you and began walking away in slight anger from your mean prank. You could help but smirk,

"Oh Tobio, little do you know that I caught the whole thing on tape!"

Kageyama whipped his head around faster than a bullet and glared, "You better delete it, (y/n)!"

"I will! After I watch it."

"I hate you"

"I love you too, Tobio~"

You lean back in your chair after watching the video and you let out a sigh. The prank went just as planned, but you felt kinda bad for making Tobio cry so hard. You were actually surprised that the boy had it in him, to sob like that. And the fact he cried like that over you just added the cherry on top of the sundae of guilt.

You got up from your spot and went to find Kageyama in the kitchen. You had already cleaned up all the blood. You saw your dark-haired boyfriend making a small dinner for the two of you.

You snuck up behind him and wrapped your arms around his back. It didn't scare him only because he was used to it from you. Silence filled the air until you spoke quietly,

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that."

It was quiet for a little longer before the silence was broken once again,

"Just....D-Don't do that again to me, ok?"

You felt Tobio turn around and hug your smaller figure, his chin resting on top of your head. You let out a sigh of content before nodding into his chest,


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