Ushijima Wakatoshi | We can make it

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Warning: this one shot includes a lot of gore. And I mean A LOT. So if you get queasy at certain things, like detail on killing and ripping off a jaw, I would recommend skipping this one. This is my first song fic so sorry if it's bad. This is a long one shot too so Hooray I guess.

Song: I'll keep you safe - Sleeping at last

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I'll keep you safe
Try hard to concentrate
Hold out your hand
Can you feel the weight of it

"Wakatoshi, do you see anything from over there?" You whispered from your place behind the brick wall. You made eye contact with the brunette across the ally.

"No," he spoke quietly, "But I can hear them."

You nodded and signaled for him to follow you. Machete raised, you stepped out into the opening to see a few zombies trudging around. At the end of the street was an abandoned store that may have some supplies that you and Ushijima could use.

You felt the tall male tap your shoulder and he whispered a game plan in your ear. You gave him a nod and both of you quietly approached the small hoard of zombies.

One by one, you killed any zombie that was nearby. You swing your machete, cutting off their heads with a quick slice. Right near you Ushiwaka bashed their heads in with his metal bat. He did have a gun, but the loud noise of it firing would attract more zombies.

Once the two of you got to the store, you opened the door and searched the place. So far, you had no luck in finding any food or water. You looked behind the cash register and picked up an old box. Opening it, you felt your lips rise into a smile.

"Wakatoshi," you called for him. He turned his head in your direction as you lifted up two cans of beans, "I found dinner."

The whole world at your fingertips
Don't be, don't be afraid
Our mistakes they were bound to be made
But I promise you I'll keep you safe

You both sat around a fire that you set up on the roof of a building. It was better to stay high up so you camped up there for the night. After finishing the beans you had found, the two of you just sat and looked up at the stars while being warmed by the fire.

"Hey Wakatoshi? Do you think our friends are ok?" You asked. He stayed quiet for a moment.

"I have faith in them. They are probably out there wondering the same thing about us." He answered. You leaned your head on his shoulder.

It was silent as the two of you gazed at the stars that sprayed across the sky like candles. A small gust of wind went by and Ushijima wrapped an arm around you. He found himself staring down at you instead of the night's stars. You snuggled closer to him, eyes still glued to the sky.

"It's nice to know that there is still some beauty in the world, you know? Like a reminder that not everything is half dead and eats people." You stated. Your (e/c) eyes reflected the stars off them and your hair swayed behind you with the wind. Ushijima gazed at you with a loving look,


You'll be an architect so pull up your sleeves
And build a new silhouette
In the skylines up ahead

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