Tanaka Ryuu | Last Name

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Question: What is your favorite piece of clothing/style? I love floral patterns, A-line skirts, sneakers with casual dresses, and leggings. (I cannot wear jeans ._. )

. . .

(Y/n) was an interesting girl.

She was one of those girls who barely talked to anyone, yet when she did speak, you couldn't stop listening.

She was the girl that sat alone at lunch yet seemed totally happy about it.

She was the girl who read books in the school courtyard during study hall.

She was quirky in many ways, but no one had any problem with her. No one asked why she "isolated" herself because it was all too normal for her.

Tanaka, however, was none of those things.

He was the loud volleyball player.

He was the "bad boy" in class.

He didn't get good grades and spent most of his free time in school flirting with girls.

No one would have guessed Tanaka had his eyes on (y/n).

They were technically polar opposites. Quiet and isolated compared to loud and flirtatious. No one thought they would be able to connect in any way.

But I guess you have to expect the unexpected?

"Hey (y/n), how are you?" Tanaka finally asked one morning in class. (Y/n) slowly looked up from her book, flipped her hair out of the way, and smiled.

"I'm doing fine thanks. You?"

Tanaka grinned, "I'm great, thanks for asking!"

He wanted to keep the conversation going but had no idea how. He grasped for ideas and made eye contact with her book before a light bulb lit up above his head.

"What book are you reading?" He watched her eyes sparkle when literature was the topic.

"I'm reading (favorite book). It's really good, I love it. Do you like to read?"

Tanaka swallowed hard, "Uh...Sometimes...books are um...cool."

(Y/n) giggled. Just then the bell to start class wrong, signaling Tanaka should get in his seat. (Y/n) looked into his eyes with her mysterious (e/c) orbs,

"Talk to you later...um..."

"Tanaka," He finished, "I'm Tanaka."

She grinned, "Well then, talk to you later Tanaka."

Ever since then, Tanaka had been finding every excuse to talk to (y/n) until it became a normal thing. Everyday during first period, they would have a 5 minute conversation.

"So....do you play any sports?" Tanaka asked. In response, (y/n) shook her head. Her little space buns bounced on her head as she did so.

"I don't have the time. I run a tight schedule." She answers with a joking smirk. It's obvious she doesn't have a tight schedule since all she does is read. Tanaka chuckled quietly.

"Well do you think you can wiggle some free time into this tight schedule of yours?" Tanaka propped his elbow on the table and let his head lean into his hand. (Y/n) looked at him with interest in her eyes.

"Depends..." She smiled, "What for?"

"Well, there's a pizza place not far from the school. Maybe we can go sometime?" Tanaka's nerves took over and he started to stammer, "B-But if you don't like pizza that's t-totally fine-"

(Y/n) shushed him by pressing a finger to his lips, pulling at his heartstrings as she did so. Her nose crinkled as she smiled once again,

"Pizza sounds nice. I'll meet you there after school today?"

"Sounds great!" Tanaka had to contain his excitement.

The "date" went amazingly and our boy Tanaka was loving life. He had begun to pick up the feeling that (y/n) had interest in him too. They joked around a lot, fitting in a lot of playful flirting.

The end of the year was approaching and Tanaka found himself falling for the girl. Now it wasn't just some silly crush, but he was serious about (Y/n). At first he was simply interested, but now he was totally invested in her. He hoped she felt the same.

Fortunately, Tanaka and (y/n) were able to playfully flirt together more often since they grew even more comfortable with each other. Tanaka loved this because it was a perfect excuse for him to drop hints.

However (y/n) wasn't an idiot. She picked up all of his blatantly dropped hints and put together the fact he was hitting on her. Despite barely talking to people, she's charismatic enough to flirt back without dropping to many hints, making poor Tanaka oblivious to her big crush on him. It was a fun little game of cat and mouse.

"Has anyone ever asked you out before?" Tanaka asked one morning. (Y/n) shook her head, which surprised the boy.

"Nope," She made eye contact with him, her eyes saying unspoken words, "Not before you."

"That's actually surprising," Tanaka chuckled, causing (y/n) to smile.

"Well I've never been one to seek out boys anyway, so they never really talk to me either," She shrugged, completely unbothered, "It's always been that way."

"Well I like talking to you," He said with a genuine smile. (Y/n) chuckled and decided to mess around a bit. Deep down, his comment made her heart skip a beat for the first time. With all her might, she suppressed the urge to stupidly grin and composed herself with a sort of suave look.

"Why bother though?" Tanaka raised a brow at her statement, "In ten years you won't even remember my last name, so why bother with me?"

Tanaka leaned on the edge of the table and smiled. He had the perfect response but didn't know if she would respond well. He decided to take the risk.

"Trust me, in ten years you'll have my last name."

There was a short moment of silence before (y/n) huffed in amusement and looked at him with that enticing look he loved to see.

"We'll see..."

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