Kenma Kozume | Silent Night

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     It was the best time of the year. You loved the snow, hot chocolate, and music that came along with Christmas. Everyone was always so happy during this time. And what made this year even better was that it's your first year an your shared apartment with your boyfriend.

You and Kenma had bought a small one roomed apartment as soon as you entered college. It was on campus so it was a perfect deal.

"Kozume~ do you mind handing me the tinsel?" You called from the top of the ladder you were standing on. The male responded with a hum before handing you the delicate silver strands. You thanked him before placing them neatly on your tree.

You absolutely loved decorating for Christmas. You missed all the family gatherings and traditions, so you tried to do some with Kenma to help remember the good times as a child.

"Hey Kozume, do you wanna put up the wreath on our bedroom door or shall I?" You asked while getting off the ladder. Kenma was helping by handing you the ornaments and decorations you needed while you were on the ladder. Now that you were on the ground, you could get them yourself. Your boyfriend sat up,

"I can do it." He said while leaving the room. You smiled at his retreating figure before getting back to work.

A few moments later, knowing you were alone in the room, you began to hum a tune. Your humming turned to soft singing. You never would sing in front of anyone, not even Kenma. The thought embarrassed you beyond belief. You knew you had a good voice but still.

However, while you were singing, you didn't hear the quiet patter of feet approaching. You still sang with no worries as you hung ornaments on the tree.

Kenma had just finished hanging the wreath and was about to come back and help you when he heard your soft voice emitting from the room you were in. Out of curiosity, he hid by the doorway and leaned his ear closer to the room to listen to the angelic sound.

"Silent night, holy night." Kenna's cat like eyes widened in surprise. Her voice... was absolutely beautiful.

"All is calm, all is bright. Round yon virgin, mother and child"

Kenma felt so drawn to her voice. It was so soft yet melodic. He could listen for hours. (Y/n) still didn't know he was listening, so she continued to sing her beautiful tune.

"Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace"

Kenma was so lost in her sound that he didn't realize his figure was approaching the edge of the doorway. Even though his gut told him not to, he peeked into the room.

(Y/n) was looking at the tree, handing an elegant glass ball on its branch. He mouth was open while she sang, the twinkle of the lights reflecting off her eyes. The corners of her lips were peeled slightly upward, as if in peace and content, as she decorated their Christmas tree.

The lovely scene made Kenma's heart beat faster. He thickly swallowed.

Kenma found himself grateful for her presence. He always was thankful for her, but for some reason the feeling was even more prominent in the boy's heart. This girl in front of him was his, all his. How? What did she find so interesting in him? How did this enchanting angel find him so special?

The entire room echoed her sound, making the song sound, if it was even possible, even better. Kozume couldn't get over how good she was at singing.

The entire vibe changed as soon as (y/n)'s (e/c) orbs glanced in Kenma's direction. Her singing ceased and was replaced with a gasp, which snapped Kenma back to reality. (Oh there goes gravity) (heheh get it? Get it? Nah? Ok)

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