Akaashi Keiji | Nightmares

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This one is kinda short but oh well. I hope you enjoy anyway.

Akaashi's POV

The moonlight was slightly peeking through the wide window in the bedroom, illuminating the dark-haired male's face. His face showed peace as his chest rose and fell with his soundless breathing. The apartment was quiet and the only signs of life were the two sleeping forms sleeping soundly in different beds.

Well, at least one was sleeping soundly.

The (h/c) female across the room was anything but sleeping soundly. At first, her eyes began to twitch while she slept, only a few mumbled words leaving her mouth. She would change her position by rolling over only to go back to her original pose. The sound of the covers being thrashed around while the girl muttered in her sleep now filled the room.

But that's not what woke Keiji up.

The ex-setter found himself stirring awake a few minutes later. Sitting up and quietly groaning, the male was curious to find out what exactly woke him up from his enjoyable slumber. His emerald eyes searched around the room for a moment before something else caught his attention. The sound of mumbling and quiet crying caused Akaashi to peek over at the other bed across the room.


The male's eyes slightly widened at the sound of his name being called. More like being whimpered. He stayed silent only to hear another tiny cry,

"Don't leave me alone..."


With this, Akaashi was already out of bed and padding over to his roommate's bed. Looking down at her, the first thought that came to his head was,

She's cute when she's sleeping

Snapping out of his gaze, he noticed something glistening on her cheeks.

Is she crying in her sleep?

Out of mindless instinct, he leans down and kisses the tears away. (Y/n) shifts slightly against his touch and he quickly realizes what he's done. Akaashi feels blood rushing up into his face and he glances away from the girl for a moment to regain himself. After coming back to his senses, Keiji lowers himself to his knees next to her bed. Still being able to see her face, he begins stroking her hair lightly. (Y/n) seems to move into his hand, which makes Keiji smile slightly.

After a few moments, you begin stirring again. Once he notices your calm state change, Akaashi stands back up.

What kind of dream could she be having?


Akaashi looks down to see (y/n) mumble his name in her sleep. As if she was awake, he answers her quietly, "I'm here."

Her face contorts into what looks like a desperate expression, "Stay with me?"

Akaashi was taken aback at first. Is she awake?

Looking to see any signs of consciousness, he found none. She must have been having a pretty rough dream to be calling out like that while she wasn't awake. Keiji felt like he had to do something about it. To comfort her in some way.

Slipping under the covers, Akaashi made sure not to make too much noise as he got comfortable. His cheeks as pink as cotton candy, the dark-haired male hesitates before pulling (y/n)'s sleeping figure into his embrace. He feels her melt against him and she buries her head into his toned chest. He shyly wraps his arms around her smaller body. Akaashi was questioning himself as to why he decided to climb into bed with his roommate while she was sleeping. What was he thinking? Once morning comes, this is going to be a very awkward conversation about tonight's events.

Keiji finds himself staring down at her form pressed against him. Her (h/c) hair splayed out behind her as she hide her face in his chest. (Y/n)'s face actually looked at peace as he held her. He would never admit it, but Keiji really liked how she fit into his arms.

Resting his chin on top of her head, he finally closed his eyes. So many thoughts about how (y/n) would react to him in her bed when she woke filled his mind. Will she be embarrassed? Mad? Disgusted? Happy? Would she cuddle against him or push his arms away? Would she kick him onto the floor or hold onto him for a littler longer?

Well, whatever she does in the morning doesn't matter right now. Placing a soft kiss on her scalp, Keiji decides to get rid of his thoughts and enjoy the moment while it lasted. Before he knew it, the ex-setter fell asleep holding onto you, and you were finally able to sleep soundly.

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Sorry if that was really bad and short... I had a cute idea but once I started writing it I noticed a lot of holes in the plot so I did my best. Anyway, I hope you somewhat enjoyed this! See you guys!

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