You'll thank me later

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Hey guys! This isn't an update but I have discovered something very important.

Have you ever read a dōjinshi?

because I have... a lot of them...


If you haven't, a dōjinshi is like a manga comic thingy for ships and stuff. For example, there are Iwaoi Dōjinoshis (dj for short) and Kagehina, and much much more. For any show!

What if I told you... that there are dj's that put you into the story? Like x readers?

That would be pretty cool right? Imagine your favorite haikyuu boys interacting with you like a fanfic, but you see their faces and stuff. Don't you love the idea of that? Going to a Japanese onsen with them... having a sleepover... getting married.... you name it!

Go on google (or whatever search engine you use)

Search up "Haikyuu Kareshi"

Now find a tumblr page or website that translates them in your language. (I read some good ones on a tumblr page. Here's the link: )

Now read them

You're welcome.

Have a wonderful day!

Haikyuu X Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now