Kinoshita Hisashi | Main Character

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What's up my dudes. I'm back! Did ya miss me?

This one shot was requested by Ibusaki_Shun

Anyway, I was thinking about being a bit more interacting with you guys. You all are amazing and I'm very thankful for you. I never thought I would ever get this many readers and votes in my stories. I just wanted to say thank you!

So I was planning on asking questions before every one shot. And you can answer in the comments! You don't have to, but it will be there for you. I'm going to start with this chapter and for now on I'll try and remember to ask a question!

So here we go: Which character from haikyuu are you most similar with and why?

For me, I think I'm a combination of Bokuto, Oikawa, and Tsukishima

Bokuto because I'm loud and hyper most of the time, but no joke, I have an emo mode too. I am a hitter on my volleyball team and I go all "emo" when I mess up. But like five minutes later I'm back to my normal self. I yell a lot too.

Oikawa because I overwork myself a lot. I don't get much sleep, even though it's not healthy. Sometimes I act all clingy and annoying around my best friend. Also I believe in aliens so....

And Tsukki because I'm a sarcastic salty asshole. Literally I asked a girl in my class how salty I was and she said "worse than the Dead Sea"


Kinoshita has been feeling down lately.

He hasn't thought about it too much before, but for some reason in the past week he's been thinking about it a lot.

Kinoshita wasn't a popular person. Not that it's that important to him, but he doesn't see what's wrong with him. Ever since the four very talented first years joined his volleyball team, it seemed he was just thrown off to the side as a bench warmer. Yes, he's glad there are such good players to represent his school, but at the same time Kinoshita is envious of them.

He doesn't have high stamina. He doesn't have a killer serve. He doesn't have the ability to set a perfect set every time. He's just an ordinary player. Kinoshita isn't a starter. He isn't a main character either. He's the townsperson b in his own life story. Only a background character in someone else's.

Sometimes Kinoshita has those moments where everything but his thoughts are drowned out. Leaning on the palm of his hand, eyes staring emptily at the table in front of him. All he hears and pays attention to are the self deprecating comments that swim through his brain. He gets so lost in his thoughts, it seems nothing can break him out of it.

"Maybe if you practice even harder, you can get some playing time."

"You will never be good enough."

"Quitting is your only option at this point."

"You will never be as cool as the others."

"I bet your own girlfriend doesn't like you that much."

But only one voice deafened the others.

"You're special to me, y'know"

Kinoshita turned to her from where he sat. Her (e/c) eyes were looking into his like they held everything she's ever wanted. Her pink lips were peeled up into a small smile.

"I know you'll have a hard time believing it, but you really do mean a lot to me. And others too." (Y/n) scooted closer to him. Kinoshita couldn't find any words.

"Aren't you embarrassed to be friends with a loser like me though?" Kinoshita's quiet voice drifted into the girl's ears.

"Never. I never was and I never will. You aren't a loser Kinoshita...

"You have to realize that in life, there will be people that rank higher than you. There will always be someone smarter or more athletic. But that doesn't matter. Others shouldn't decide what path you take or what trail you blaze. What matters is that you're you. And that's enough." (Y/n) leaned her head into his shoulder. Her fingers intertwined with his.

"I don't need a jock. I don't need a rich man. You're enough. You'll always be enough for me." Her head seemed to press closer to him. Kinoshita felt tears filling his eyes.

"I love you just the way you are, Kinoshita." Those words soaked into his skin. Finally, a few tears fell from his eyes. Kinoshita turned to hold you in his arms. In silence, you both grasped into each other. His tears of thankfulness rolled down his cheeks and soaked into your shirt. He was so lucky to have you.

Though he had is insecurities, Kinoshita was able to forget about them when he was around you. You made him feel as though he was enough. You made him feel loved.

You made him feel like main character.

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